Place order
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
- POST /v1/order/place
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
symbol | y | string | Trading pair | example:btc_usdt | |
type | y | string | Type | "buy" ,"sell" | |
tradeAmount | y | number | amount | ||
tradePrice | y | number | price(Only for limit orders) | ||
matchType | n | integer | Match Type | 0 | 0-limit 1-market |
marketUnit | n | string | Market Unit(Required for market orders, the amount or funds is tradeAmount) | amount-Amount funds-Funds |
Response data:
"msg":"order success",
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | success:200,failed:300 | |
msg | y | string | message | ||
time | y | long | Current millisseconds | ||
data | y | object | data |
msg range
English | |
Illegal request | |
Illegal tradeAmount value | |
Illegal tradePrice value | |
Illegal symbol format |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
ID | y | bigint | order id |
Order Cancel
Note: Cancel order requests is under asynchronous pattern, call interface /v1/order/detailById is required for order status query.
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
- POST /v1/order/cancel
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
id | y | bigint | Order id |
Response data:
"code": 200,
"msg": "Cancel Success",
"time": 1536306495984,
"data": null
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | success:200,failed:300 | |
msg | y | string | message | ||
time | y | long | Current millisseconds |
Order Details
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
- GET /v1/order/detailById
curl ""
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
id | y | bigint | order id | ||
leverAcctid | n | string | Fields not required innon-leverorder,Sub-account id,clientId in line with API |
Response data:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | ||
msg | n | string | message | ||
time | y | long | Current millisseconds | ||
data | y | object | order details |
"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"time": 1536306896294,
"data": {
"types": "bug",
"leftcount": 0.01,
"fees": 0,
"last": 0,
"count": 0.01,
"successamount": 0,
"source": "API",
"type": 0,
"price": 40000,
"buysymbol": "",
"id": 18194814,
"time": "2018-09-07 15:48:44",
"sellsymbol": "",
"status": "unsettled"
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
types | y | string | order type | Buy 、Sell | |
leftcount | y | number | Unfill | ||
fees | y | number | Fee | ||
last | y | number | Current order latest price | ||
count | y | number | amount | ||
successamount | y | number | Total transaction | ||
source | y | string | Source | API、WEB、APP | |
type | y | int | Data Type code | 0(Buy),1(Sell) | |
price | y | number | Price | ||
buysymbol | n | string | Buy symbol | ||
sellsymbol | n | string | Sell symbol | ||
time | y | string | Establish time | ||
statusCode | y | int | Status code | 1 Unfilled 2 Partial filled 3 Filled 4 Revoking 5 Cancelled | |
status | y | int | Status | Unfill,Partial filled,Filled,Revoking,Cancelled |
Transaction details
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
- GET /v1/order/counterpartiesById
curl ""
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
id | y | bigint | order id |
Response data:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | ||
msg | n | string | message | ||
time | y | long | Current millisseconds | ||
data | y | object | Order detail |
"createTime":"2019-05-27 18:15:12",
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
entrusts | y | array(object) | BBO list |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
id | y | bigint | Primary key ID | ||
isSelfTrade | y | int | Self-trade Option 0 n 1 y | ||
sysmbol | y | string | Trading pairs | ||
entrustType | y | int | orderData Type 0 Buy 1 Sell | ||
entrustId | y | bigint | order id | ||
matchId | y | bigint | Transaction ID | ||
amount | y | number | Total Transaction | ||
prize | y | number | Price | ||
count | y | number | Amount | ||
createTime | y | string | Create time |
Obtain order list
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
- GET /v1/order/entrust
curl ""
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
symbol | y | string | Trading pairs | example:btc_usdt | |
type | n | int | Data Type | 0 | 0 is all 1 iscurrent 2 is history |
page | n | int | page | 1 | |
count | y | int | items | 7 | [1-100] max 100 items |
Response data:
"code": 200,
"msg": "Obtain success!",
"time": 1527841588334,
"entrutsHis": [
"types": "Buy",
"leftcount": 1.0E-4,
"fees": 0,
"last": 0,
"count": 1.0E-4,
"successamount": 0,
"source": "WEB",
"type": 1,
"price": 1.0E7,
"buysymbol": "USDT",
"id": 947644,
"time": "2018-06-27 17:45:14",
"sellsymbol": "BTC",
"status": "Cancelled"
"types": "Buy",
"leftcount": 1.0E-4,
"fees": 0,
"last": 0,
"count": 1.0E-4,
"successamount": 0,
"source": "WEB",
"type": 1,
"price": 1.0E7,
"buysymbol": "USDT",
"id": 947645,
"time": "2018-06-27 17:45:14",
"sellsymbol": "BTC",
"status": "Cancelled"
"entrutsCur": [
"types": "Buy",
"leftcount": 0.01,
"fees": 0,
"last": 0,
"count": 0.01,
"successamount": 0,
"source": "API",
"type": 0,
"price": 40000,
"buysymbol": "USDT",
"id": 18194814,
"time": "2018-09-07 15:48:44",
"sellsymbol": "BTC",
"status": "Unfill"
"types": "Sell",
"leftcount": 0.01,
"fees": 0,
"last": 0,
"count": 0.01,
"successamount": 0,
"source": "API",
"type": 0,
"price": 40000,
"buysymbol": "USDT",
"id": 18194814,
"time": "2018-09-07 15:48:44",
"sellsymbol": "BTC",
"status": "Unfill"
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | ||
msg | n | string | Return message | ||
time | y | long | Current millisseconds | ||
data | y | object | Order details |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
entrutsCur | n | array(object) | Current order | ||
entrutsHis | n | array(object) | History order |
entrutsCur 及 entrutsHis Data Type is the same:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
id | y | bigint | Order id | ||
time | y | string | Order time | ||
types | y | string | Order Type | Buy、Sell | |
source | y | string | Order source | "WEB","APP","API" | |
price | y | number | Order price | ||
count | y | number | Order amount | ||
leftcount | y | number | Unfill amount | ||
last | y | number | Transaction price | ||
successamount | y | number | Total Transaction | ||
fees | y | number | fee | ||
status | y | string | Order Status | Unfill,Partial filled,Filled,Revoking,Cancelled | |
type | y | int | Order Data Type | 0( "Buy"),1( "Sell") | |
buysymbol | y | string | Currency Data Type symbol | ||
sellsymbol | y | string | Currency Data Type symbol |
Current&History Transaction Record
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
- GET /v1/order/matchresults
curl ""
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
symbol | y | string | Trading pairs | example:btc_usdt | |
types | n | string | query order Data Type compositio,separate by',' | 0:buy, 1:sell | |
startDate | n | string | Inquire start date, date form yyyy-mm-dd | -1d Inquire the day before end data | Value Range [((endDate) – 1), (endDate)] ,Max inquery date is 2 days in query window, inquery ranges of nearly 61 days |
endDate | n | string | Inqery end date, date form yyyy-mm-dd | today | Value Range [(today-60), today] ,Max inquery date is 2 days in query window, inquery ranges of nearly 61 days |
startTimestamp | n | Long | Inquire start time, Unix timestamp, in milliseconds. You are advised to use startDate, which can be queried in milliseconds | required when querying by timestamp | Value Range [((endTimestamp) – 1), (endTimestamp)] ,Max inquery date is 2 days in query window, inquery ranges of nearly 61 days |
endTimestamp | n | Long | Inquire end time, Unix timestamp, in milliseconds. You are advised to use endDate, which can be queried in milliseconds | required when querying by timestamp | Value Range [(today-60), today] ,Max inquery date is 2 days in query window, inquery ranges of nearly 61 days |
from | n | string | Inquire start&end ID | order history record ID(max) | |
direct | n | string | Direction | default next, transaction record ID orders from big to small | prev forward,time(or ID)positive sequence;next backward,time(or ID)reverse) |
size | n | string | query record scope | 100 | [1,100] |
Response data:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | ||
msg | n | string | return message | ||
time | y | long | Current millisseconds | ||
data | y | object | Real-time transactions |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
entrustdetail | n | array(object) | Transaction Record |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
createdAt | y | long | Transaction time | ||
filledAmount | y | string | Transaction amount | ||
filledFees | y | string | Transaction fee | ||
id | y | long | Transaction record id | ||
matchId | y | long | Matchmaking id | ||
orderId | y | long | Order id | ||
price | y | string | Transaction price | ||
type | y | string | Order Data Type | 0:buy, 1:sell | |
role | y | string | Transaction role | taker,maker |
Batch Cancels
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
- POST /v1/order/batchCancelOrders
Note: The API only for submit cancel request,actual result need to confirm by order Status,matchmaking Status.
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
orderIds | y | String | Revoke order ID list | Shall not exceeds 100 order ID each time Example"2232,1232,2321" |
Response data:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | ||
msg | n | string | Return message | ||
data | y | object |
Batch Cancels(OpenOrders)
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
- POST /v1/order/batchCancelOpenOrders
Note: The API only for submit cancel request,actual result need to confirm by order Status,matchmaking Status.
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
symbol | y | String | Transaction code list( Max 10 symbols,separate by commas between various trade codes),btc_usdt, eth_btc… | ||
side | n | String | Direction | when buy -buy direction sell -sell direction is empty,obtain orders of all directions to revoke. |
Response data:
"successCount": 1,
"failCount": 1
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | ||
msg | n | string | Return message | ||
data | y | object |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
{successCount | y | int | Success cancel amount | ||
failCount} | y | int | Cancelled failed amount |
Batch Orders
API Key Access: Trading, Maximum 10 orders for a single batch
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
- POST /v1/order/batchOrders
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
orders | y | object | Order list |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
[{symbol | y | string | Trading pairs | example:btc_usdt | |
type | y | string | Data Type | "buy" ,"sell" | |
tradeAmount | y | number | Amount | ||
tradePrice | y | number | Price(Only for limit orders) | ||
matchType | n | integer | Match Type | 0 | 0-limit 1-market |
marketUnit}] | n | string | Market Unit(Required for market orders, the amount or funds is tradeAmount) | amount-Amount funds-Funds |
Response data:
"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"time": 1527841588334,
"list": [
"errcode": "",
"errmsg": ""
"errcode": "",
"errmsg": ""
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | ||
msg | n | string | Return message | ||
data | y | object |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
[{ID | y | bigint | Order id | ||
errcode | n | string | return error code | ||
errmsg}] | n | string | Return error Description |