生效时间(UTC +8) | 接口 | 变化 | 摘要 |
2021.9.9 | - | 新增 | 新增WebSocket行情数据推送 |
2021.8.19 | /v1/order/matchresults | 优化 | 新增startTimestamp,endTimestamp字段 |
2018.6.10 | - | 初始化 | 初始化当前版本接口 |
Release Time(UTC +8) | API | Initialize / Update | Description |
2021.9.9 | - | add | Added WebSocket market data push |
2021.8.19 | /v1/order/matchresults | update | add startTimestamp fields, endTimestamp fields |
2018.6.10 | - | Initialize | Initializes the current version of the interface |
Welcome to Hotcoin Global API.
This is the official Hotcoin API document, and will be continue updating. Hotcoin will also publish API announcement in advance for any API change. Please subscribe to our announcements so that you can get the latest updates.
Below is the content for Spot API document:
Before you use API, you need to login the website to create API Key with proper permissions. The API key is shared for all instruments in Hotcoin including spot, futures, swap, options.
The permissions are described as follows:
AccessKey is the access key to API, SecretKey is the secret key of user signature for requests. Important note: These two keys are closely related to account security, and should not be disclosed to others at any time
Java | Python3 | Php | Dart |
Based on the consideration of security, all API request must be calculated by signature algorithm except market API. A legel request consists of below parts:
Request-URI Method, i.e. the address access to server: api.hotcoinfin.com followed by method name, take api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/place for instance.
API AccessKeyId is the The AccessKey in the APIKEY you requested.
Signature Method is the hash-based protocol of calculating signatures by users, HmacSHA256 is applied here.
SignatureVersion is the version of the signature protocol, 2 is applied here.
Timestamp is the time you made the request (UTC Time Zone). Including the value in query request helps preventing third parties from interception of your request. For example:2017-05-11T16:22:06.123Z.Again,(UTC Time Zone) is stressed here. For required parameters and optional parameters, these parameters and their meanings can be viewed in the description of each method.
Signature the value calculated by signature is used for ensuring that the signature is valid and not tampered.
&Signature=calculated value
API request can be tempered at great risk while it is sent through the Internet. To ensure that the request is not tempered, we will require users to sign in every request (except market API) for verifying the authticity of parameters or the values of parameters.
Sign Steps:
Standards for Requests of Calculating Signatures:
Establish a standard for requests of calculating signatures because when using HMAC to calculate signature, total different results will be achieved as different contents are calculated. So before calculating signatures, please make a standard. Examples of the request of order placement will be given as follows.
The request Method (GET or POST, WebSocket use GET), append line break “\n”
The host with lower case, append line break \n.
The path, append line break “\n”
Sorting parameters by order of ASCII code (Encoding by UTF-8 format and URI format, hexadecimal characters must be capitalized, for example ‘:’ will be encoded as ‘%3A’, space key will be encoded as ‘%20’).
For example, here is the original order of the request parameters after encoded.
Above parameter should be ordered like below:
Use char ‘&’ to concatenate all parameters.
The final strings for signature calculation is as follows:
Calculation of signature algorithm, transfer the following two parameters to the cryptographic hash function:
Strings for signature calculation
SecretKey for execute signature
Obtained result of signature calculation and encoded with Base64
Add the above values as the value of parameter Signature to the API request. The value must be encoded with URI when this parameter is added to the request.
symbol rules:base currency + quote currency.In BTC/USDT, symbol is btc_usdt;While in ETH/BTC, symbol is eth_btc, and so on.
Finally, the API request sent to the server should be:
Signature Authentication: No
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/common/symbols"
Request parameters:
No parameter is available for this endpoint.
Response data:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | success:200 | |
msg | y | string | message | ||
time | y | long | Current millisseconds | ||
data | y | array | symbols list |
Field Type | Data Type | description |
baseCurrency | string | baseCurrency code |
quoteCurrency | string | quoteCurrency code |
pricePrecision | integer | price precision |
amountPrecision | integer | quantity precision |
symbolPartition | string | symbol Partition, example:[main,innovation] |
symbol | string | trade pair code |
state | string | trade pair status [enable,disable] |
minOrderCount | decimal | min order count |
maxOrderCount | decimal | max order count |
minOrderPrice | decimal | min order price |
maxOrderPrice | decimal | max order price |
```json { "status":"ok", "timestamp":1567045034, "ticker":[ { "symbol":"btc_usdt", "last":"10000.00000000", "buy":"9999.00000000", "sell":"10001.00000000", "high":"11000.00000000", "low":"9000.00000000", "vol":"10000000.0000", "change":"10.10" } ] } ``` Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- symbol|y|string|Trading pair||sellShortName_buyShortName,eg:btc_usdt last|y|number|latest price|| buy|y|number|buy|| sell|y|number|sell|| high|y|number|high || low|y|number|low|| vol|y|number|vol|| change|y|number|change|| ### Obtain kline data Signature Authentication: No Rate Limit: 20 times/s - GET /v1/ticker ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/ticker?symbol=btc_usdt&step=60 curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/ticker?symbol=btc_usdt&step=60" ``` **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- step|y|int|Time:Sec||60(1min),300(5mins),900(15mins),1800(30mins),3600(1h),86400(1d),604800(1w),2592000(1mon) symbol|y|string|pairs||btc_usdt **Response data:**Response
```json { "code":200, "msg":"success", "time":1527838104874, "data":[ [ 1527820200000, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 0 ], [ 1527820200000, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 0 ] ] } ``` Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code msg|n|string|return message time|y|long|Current millisseconds data|y|array(array(number))|Kline data **data:**Response
```json { "code":200, "msg":"success", "time":1527837164605, "data":{ "period":{ "data":[ [ 1527837120000, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 0 ] ], "marketFrom":"btc_usdt", "type":60, "coinVol":"btc_usdt" }, "depth":{ "date":1527837163, "asks":[ [ 57373.8, 0.0387 ], [ 57751.26, 0.0128 ], [ 57751.26, 0.0128 ] ], "bids":[ [ 57373.8, 0.0387 ], [ 57751.26, 0.0128 ], [ 57751.26, 0.0128 ] ], "lastPrice":54598.5 } } } ``` Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code msg|n|string|return message time|y|long|Current millisseconds data|y|object|Trading deep date **data:** Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- depth|y|object period|n|object|Vaule only displayed when uploading step **depth:** Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- bids|y|array(array(long))|buy,[price(transaction price), amount(transaction vol)] asks|y|array(array(long))|sell,[price(transaction price), amount(transaction vol)] date|y|long|Timestamp lastPrice|y|number|Latest price **period:** Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- marketFrom|y|string|Input symbol coinVol|y|string|Input symbol type|y|long|Input step,time data|y|array(array)|Last kline data,same with format above by only one ### Obtain real-time trade data Signature Authentication: No Rate Limit: 20 times/s - GET /v1/trade ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/trade?symbol=btc_usdt&count=60 curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/trade?symbol=btc_usdt&count=60" ``` **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Access key SignatureVersion|y|string|Version SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|ApiSecret Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp count|y|int|Trades items||0 symbol|y|string|Trading pair||example:btc_usdt **Response data:**Response
```json { "code":200, "msg":"success", "time":1536315868962, "data":{ "sellSymbol":"BTC", "buySymbol":"USDT", "trades":[ { "price":0.007, "amount":66491.04, "id":1, "time":"02:45:08", "en_type":"ask", "type":"sell" }, { "price":0.007, "amount":66491.04, "id":1, "time":"02:45:08", "en_type":"ask", "type":"sell" } ] } } ``` Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code msg|n|string|return message time|y|long|Current millisseconds data|y|object|Real-time transactions **data:** Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- trades|y|array(object)|trades data sellSymbol|y|string|sellSymbol buySymbol|y|string|buySymbol **trades:** Parameter|Mandatory| Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- price|y|long|transaction price amount|y|string|transaction amount id|y|string|transaction id time|y|string|transaction time en_type|y|string|direction||"bid"(buy),"ask"(sell) type|y|string|transaction Data Type||"buy","sell"
Signature Authentication: Yes
Rate Limit: 10 times/s
curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/balance?AccessKeyId=''"
Request parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
AccessKeyId | y | string | Access key |
Response data:
"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"time": 1527835756743,
"data": {
"netassets": 0,
"wallet": [
"totalassets": 0
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
code | y | int | Status code | ||
msg | n | string | Return message | ||
time | y | long | Current millisseconds | ||
data | y | object | Transaction deep data |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
netassets | y | number | net assets,unit: usdt | ||
totalassets | y | number | total assets,unit:usdt | ||
wallet | y | array(object) | wallet list |
Parameter | Mandatory | Data Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
coinName | y | long | Currency | ||
uid | y | int | User ID | ||
coinId | y | int | Currency ID | ||
total | y | number | Available | ||
frozen | y | number | On orders | ||
symbol | y | string | Currency symbol | ||
shortName | y | string | Abbreviation |
```json { "code":200, "msg":"order success", "time":1536306331399, "data":{ "ID":18194813 } } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code||success:200,failed:300 msg|y|string|message|| time|y|long|Current millisseconds|| data|y|object|data|| **msg range** English | | ------------ |Illegal request | Illegal tradeAmount value | Illegal tradePrice value | Illegal symbol format **data:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- ID|y|bigint|order id|| ### Order Cancel Note: Cancel order requests is under asynchronous pattern, call interface /v1/order/detailById is required for order status query. Signature Authentication: Yes Rate Limit: 10 times/s - POST /v1/order/cancel **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint |Order id | | **Response data:**Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "Cancel Success", "time": 1536306495984, "data": null } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code||success:200,failed:300 msg|y|string|message|| time|y|long|Current millisseconds|| ### Order Details Signature Authentication: Yes Rate Limit: 10 times/s - GET /v1/order/detailById ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/detailById curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/detailById" ``` **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint |order id | | leverAcctid |n|string |Fields not required innon-leverorder,Sub-account id,clientId in line with API| | **Response data:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code|| msg|n|string|message|| time|y|long|Current millisseconds|| data|y|object|order details|| **data:**Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "time": 1536306896294, "data": { "types": "bug", "leftcount": 0.01, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 0.01, "successamount": 0, "source": "API", "type": 0, "price": 40000, "buysymbol": "", "id": 18194814, "time": "2018-09-07 15:48:44", "sellsymbol": "", "statusCode":1, "status": "unsettled" } } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- types|y|string|order type| |Buy 、Sell leftcount|y|number|Unfill|| fees|y|number|Fee|| last|y|number|Current order latest price|| count|y|number|amount|| successamount|y|number|Total transaction|| source|y|string|Source | |API、WEB、APP type|y|int|Data Type code| |0(Buy),1(Sell) price|y|number|Price || buysymbol|n|string|Buy symbol|| sellsymbol|n|string|Sell symbol|| time|y|string|Establish time|| statusCode|y|int|Status code| |1 Unfilled 2 Partial filled 3 Filled 4 Revoking 5 Cancelled status|y|int|Status| |Unfill,Partial filled,Filled,Revoking,Cancelled ### Transaction details Signature Authentication: Yes Rate Limit: 10 times/s - GET /v1/order/counterpartiesById ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/counterpartiesById curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/counterpartiesById" ``` **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint |order id | | **Response data:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code|| msg|n|string|message|| time|y|long|Current millisseconds|| data|y|object|Order detail|| **data:**Response
```json { "code":200, "data":{ "entrusts":[ { "amount":1.2042000000, "count":2.2300000000, "createTime":"2019-05-27 18:15:12", "entrustId":431879850, "entrustType":0, "id":101192723, "isSelfTrade":1, "matchId":431879852, "prize":0.5400000000, "sysmbol":"btc_usdt" } ] }, "msg":"success", "time":1568690580787 } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- entrusts|y|array(object)|BBO list|| **wallet:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint|Primary key ID|| isSelfTrade|y|int|Self-trade Option 0 n 1 y|| sysmbol|y|string|Trading pairs|| entrustType|y|int|orderData Type 0 Buy 1 Sell|| entrustId|y|bigint|order id|| matchId|y|bigint|Transaction ID|| amount|y|number|Total Transaction|| prize|y|number|Price|| count|y|number|Amount|| createTime|y|string|Create time|| ### Obtain order list Signature Authentication: Yes Rate Limit: 10 times/s - GET /v1/order/entrust ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/entrust curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/entrust" ``` **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- symbol|y|string |Trading pairs| |example:btc_usdt type|n|int|Data Type|0|0 is all 1 iscurrent 2 is history page|n|int|page|1| count|y|int|items|7|[1-100] max 100 items **Response data:**Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "Obtain success!", "time": 1527841588334, "data":{ "entrutsHis": [ { "types": "Buy", "leftcount": 1.0E-4, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 1.0E-4, "successamount": 0, "source": "WEB", "type": 1, "price": 1.0E7, "buysymbol": "USDT", "id": 947644, "time": "2018-06-27 17:45:14", "sellsymbol": "BTC", "status": "Cancelled" }, { "types": "Buy", "leftcount": 1.0E-4, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 1.0E-4, "successamount": 0, "source": "WEB", "type": 1, "price": 1.0E7, "buysymbol": "USDT", "id": 947645, "time": "2018-06-27 17:45:14", "sellsymbol": "BTC", "status": "Cancelled" } ], "entrutsCur": [ { "types": "Buy", "leftcount": 0.01, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 0.01, "successamount": 0, "source": "API", "type": 0, "price": 40000, "buysymbol": "USDT", "id": 18194814, "time": "2018-09-07 15:48:44", "sellsymbol": "BTC", "status": "Unfill" }, { "types": "Sell", "leftcount": 0.01, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 0.01, "successamount": 0, "source": "API", "type": 0, "price": 40000, "buysymbol": "USDT", "id": 18194814, "time": "2018-09-07 15:48:44", "sellsymbol": "BTC", "status": "Unfill" } ] } } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code|| msg|n|string|Return message|| time|y|long|Current millisseconds|| data|y|object|Order details|| **data:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- entrutsCur|n|array(object)|Current order|| entrutsHis|n|array(object)|History order|| **entrutsCur 及 entrutsHis Data Type is the same:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint|Order id time|y|string|Order time types|y|string|Order Type|| Buy、Sell source|y|string|Order source||"WEB","APP","API" price|y|number|Order price count|y|number|Order amount leftcount|y|number|Unfill amount last|y|number|Transaction price successamount|y|number|Total Transaction fees|y|number|fee status|y|string|Order Status||Unfill,Partial filled,Filled,Revoking,Cancelled type|y|int|Order Data Type|| 0( "Buy"),1( "Sell") buysymbol|y|string|Currency Data Type symbol sellsymbol|y|string|Currency Data Type symbol ### Current&History Transaction Record Signature Authentication: Yes Rate Limit: 10 times/s - GET /v1/order/matchresults ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/matchresults curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/matchresults" ``` **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- symbol|y|string|Trading pairs||example:btc_usdt types|n|string|query order Data Type compositio,separate by','||0:buy, 1:sell startDate|n|string|Inquire start date, date form yyyy-mm-dd|-1d Inquire the day before end data|Value Range [((endDate) – 1), (endDate)] ,Max inquery date is 2 days in query window, inquery ranges of nearly 61 days endDate|n|string|Inqery end date, date form yyyy-mm-dd|today|Value Range [(today-60), today] ,Max inquery date is 2 days in query window, inquery ranges of nearly 61 days startTimestamp|n|Long|Inquire start time, Unix timestamp, in milliseconds. You are advised to use startDate, which can be queried in milliseconds|required when querying by timestamp|Value Range [((endTimestamp) – 1), (endTimestamp)] ,Max inquery date is 2 days in query window, inquery ranges of nearly 61 days endTimestamp|n|Long|Inquire end time, Unix timestamp, in milliseconds. You are advised to use endDate, which can be queried in milliseconds|required when querying by timestamp|Value Range [(today-60), today] ,Max inquery date is 2 days in query window, inquery ranges of nearly 61 days from|n|string|Inquire start&end ID|order history record ID(max)| direct|n|string|Direction|default next, transaction record ID orders from big to small|prev forward,time(or ID)positive sequence;next backward,time(or ID)reverse) size|n|string| query record scope|100|[1,100] **Response data:**Response
```json { "code":200, "data":{ "entrustdetail":[ { "createdAt":1623134000577, "filledAmount":"1.20", "filledFees":"2.2300", "id":43187, "matchId":123456, "orderId":431879852, "type":"1", "price":"0.5400000000", "role":"taker" } ] }, "msg":"success", "time":1568690580787 } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code msg|n|string|return message time|y|long|Current millisseconds data|y|object|Real-time transactions **data:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- entrustdetail|n|array(object)|Transaction Record **entrustdetail:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- createdAt|y|long|Transaction time filledAmount|y|string|Transaction amount filledFees|y|string|Transaction fee id|y|long|Transaction record id matchId|y|long|Matchmaking id orderId|y|long|Order id price|y|string|Transaction price type|y|string|Order Data Type||0:buy, 1:sell role|y|string|Transaction role||taker,maker ### Batch Cancels Signature Authentication: Yes Rate Limit: 10 times/s - POST /v1/order/batchCancelOrders `Note: The API only for submit cancel request,actual result need to confirm by order Status,matchmaking Status.` **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- orderIds|y|String|Revoke order ID list||Shall not exceeds 100 order ID each time Example"2232,1232,2321" **Response data:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code msg|n|string|Return message data|y|object| ### Batch Cancels(OpenOrders) Signature Authentication: Yes Rate Limit: 10 times/s - POST /v1/order/batchCancelOpenOrders `Note: The API only for submit cancel request,actual result need to confirm by order Status,matchmaking Status.` **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- symbol|y|String|Transaction code list( Max 10 symbols,separate by commas between various trade codes),btc_usdt, eth_btc...|| side|n|String|Direction||when buy -buy direction sell -sell direction is empty,obtain orders of all directions to revoke. **Response data:**Response
```json { "code":200, "data":{ "successCount": 1, "failCount": 1 }, "msg":"success" } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code msg|n|string|Return message data|y|object| **data:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- {successCount|y|int|Success cancel amount failCount}|y|int|Cancelled failed amount ### Batch Orders API Key Access: Trading, Maximum 10 orders for a single batch Signature Authentication: Yes Rate Limit: 10 times/s - POST /v1/order/batchOrders **Request parameters:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- orders|y|object|Order list|| **orders:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [{symbol|y|string|Trading pairs||example:btc_usdt type|y|string|Data Type||"buy" ,”sell" tradeAmount|y|number|Amount|| tradePrice|y|number|Price(Only for limit orders)|| matchType|n|integer |Match Type|0|0-limit 1-market marketUnit}]|n|string |Market Unit(Required for market orders, the amount or funds is tradeAmount)||amount-Amount funds-Funds **Response data:**Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "time": 1527841588334, "data":{ "list": [ { "ID":123456, "errcode": "", "errmsg": "" }, { "ID":1234567, "errcode": "", "errmsg": "" } ] } } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status code msg|n|string|Return message data|y|object| **data:** Parameter|Mandatory|Data Type|Description|Default|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [{ID|y|bigint|Order id|| errcode|n|string|return error code errmsg}]|n|string|Return error DescriptionResponse
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.trade.depth", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1632878832006 } ``` After that, once the subscribed topic has data update, the hot coin server will push the update message to the Websocket client. #### unsubscribe The unsubscribe format is as follows:```{"unsub": "topic to unsubscribe"}``` Unsubscription confirmed successfully. ### Kline data Request data:```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.kline.$period$"}``` Unsubscribe:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.kline.$period$"}``` > **Parameters** | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | remark | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | ----------------------------- | | symbol | String | y | symbol | btc_usdt | | period | String | y | Kline cycle| 1m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,12h,1d,3d,5d,1w,1mo | * After the subscription is successful or unsubscribed, the server returns data:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.kline.1m", "code": 200, "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` Field description: ###### [timestamp,open,high,low,close,volume] ###### [ts, open, high, low, close, vol] | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | remark | | ----- | -------- | -------- | ------ | --------------------------------------- | | ts | String | y | timestamp | Time range[1501174800000, 2556115200000] | | open | String | y | open | 995.37 | | high | String | y | high | 996.75 | | low | String | y | low | 995.36 | | close | String | y | close | 996.75 | | vol | String | y | volume | 9.112 | ### Market depth data Request data:```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.trade.depth"}``` Unsubscribe:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.trade.depth"}``` > **Parameters** | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | remark | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | symbol | String | y | symbol | btc_usdt | * After the subscription is successful or unsubscribed, the server returns data:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.trade.depth", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` Field description: | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | Default | | ----------------- | --------------- | -------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------- | | bids | [String,String] | y | 【Buyer's price, buyer's depth】 | ["9999.39","0.0098"] | | asks | [String,String] | y | 【Seller price, seller depth measure】 | ["10010.98","0.0099"] | | last | String | y | last | 0 | | open | String | y | open | 0 | | cny | String | y | cny | 0 | | netValue | String | y | ETF net| 0 | | buyOrSellCnyPrice | String | y | Used when buying or selling RMB valuation| 0 | ### Buy and sell every price Request data: ```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.trade.bbo"}``` Unsubscribe:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.trade.bbo"}``` > **Parameters** | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | remark | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | symbol | String | y | symbol | btc_usdt | * After the subscription is successful or unsubscribed, the server returns data:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.trade.bbo", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` Field description: | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | Default | | ----------------- | --------------- | -------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------- | | symbol | String | y | symbol | btc_usdt | | bid | String | y | Buy a price | 0 | | bidSize | String | y | Buy a quantity | 0 | | ask | String | y | Sold for a price | 0 | | askSize | String | y | Sell a quantity of | 0 | | last | String | y | last | 0 | ### 24H aggregate market data Request data:```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.24h.tickers"}``` Unsubscribe:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.24h.tickers"}``` > **Parameters** | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | remark | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | symbol | String | y | symbol | btc_usdt | * After the subscription is successful or unsubscribed, the server returns data:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.24h.tickers", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` Field description: | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | remark | | ------------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------ | ---- | | sellShortName | String | y | sellShortName:BTC | | | sellSymbol | String | y | sellSymbol:bitcoin | | | buyShortName | String | y | buyShortName:ETH | | | buySymbol | String | y | buySymbol:ethereum | | | high | String | y | high | | | open | String | y | open | | | low | String | y | low | | | close | String | y | close | | | volume | String | y | volume | | | change | String | y | change | | | cny | String | y | cny | | | tradeId | Integer | y | tradeId | | | last | String | y | last | | | imageUrl | String | y | | | | netValue | String | y | ETF net | | ### Real-time transaction details Request data:```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.trade.detail"}``` Unsubscribe:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.trade.detail"}``` > **Parameters** | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description | remark | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | symbol | String | y | symbol | btc_usdt | * After the subscription is successful or unsubscribed, the server returns data:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.trade.detail", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` Field description: | Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Default | Description | remark | | --------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ---- | | amount | String | y | amount | 0.0099 | | | ts | String | y | time | time range[1501174800000, 2556115200000] | | | tradeId | Integer | y | tradeId | tradeId | | | price | String | y | price | 401.74 | | | direction | String | y | buy/sell | [buy/sell] | |Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": [ { "amount24": "3848", "base": "btc", "code": "btcusd", "direction": 1, "env": 1, "fluctuation": "-10.04", "fund": "0.00375", "high": "9100", "indexPrice": "7913.84", "low": "8100", "markPrice": "7918.29", "maxLever": 100, "minQuoteDigit": 2, "minTradeDigit": 8, "price": "8100", "quote": "usd", "size24": "4.39717319", "totalPosition": "1830", "unitAmount": 10 } ], } ``` ##### Derivatives InfoReturn: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|string|Contractcode|| base|y|string|base currency name,如btc、usdt|| quote|y|string|quote currency name,usd,usdt|| direction|y|string|Side 0:Linear Contract,1:Inverse Contract|| minTradeDigit|y|string|Min. transaction decimal places of base currency|| minQuoteDigit|y|string|Min. transaction decimal places of quote currency|| price|y|string|Latest Price|| quote|y|string|quote change|| fluctuation|y|string|quote change|| high|y|string|Highest price|| low|y|string|Lowest price|| amount24|y|string|24H Vol.(Cont)|| size24|y|string|24H Vol.(Cont)|| totalPosition|y|string|Holdings of lowest price|| fund|y|string|Fee rate|| markPrice|y|string|Mark price|| indexPrice|y|string|Index price|| unitAmount|y|string|quoteFace value of a contract, Default1|| env|y|string|Test or not 0:listing,1:testing|| maxLever|y|string|Max.Leverage|| ### Kline #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/candles #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- kline|y|string|klineType||1min,3min,5min,15min,30min,1hour,2hour,4hour,6hour,12hour,day,week since|n|int|Timestamp,Default Value0|| size|n|int|Klineamount|| klineType|n|int|KlineType|1|1-Latest Price 2-Mark Price 3-Index Price #### Return:Response
```json { "code":0, "data":[ [ 1543405500000,//time "100",//Lowest "100",//Highest "100",//Open price "100",//Close price "0",//Transaction Vol. "0"//Transaction value ] ], "msg":"success" } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|status,200:success|| msg|y|string|Tips|| data|y|object||| ### Depth Info #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/products/{contractCode}/orderbook ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode||Response
```json { "asks": [ //asks [ "9721.47", //price "225", //(Cont) "225" //Total(Cont) ] ], "bids": [ //bids [ "9720", "480", "480" ] ] } ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- asks|y|object|ask|| bids|y|object|bid|| ### Latest transaction data #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/fills #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode||Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": [ [ "9695.28", //Deal price "496", //(Cont) "long", //Side 1582269058972, //time 9916897 //transactionid ] ], "msg": "success" } ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|string|statuscode|| data|y|object|Returnresult|| msg|y|string|Info|| ### Index Price Info #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/indexInfo #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ------------ | --------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------- | ----------- | | contractCode | y | string | Futurescode | | |Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": { "components": [ { "name": "binance_contract", "price": "38983.69999999", "symbol": "BTC/USDT", "wgt": "1" } ], "index": "btc", "indexPrice": "38983.69999999", "time": 1650269513885 }, "msg": "success" } ``` #### Return: | Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ---------- | ------ | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- | | components | obejct | Individual Exchange Index Info | | | | >name | string | Exchange Name | binance_contract-Binance Futures,binance-Binance,huobi-Huobi,okex-OK | | | >price | string | Price | | | | >symbol | string | Trade Pairs | | | | >wgt | number | Weight | | | | index | object | Index currency | | | | indexPrice | string | Index price | | | | time | number | Time | | | ### History Fee Rate #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/fee-rate ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| page|n|int|Page|| pageSize|n|int|Size|| #### Return:Response
```json { "code":200, "data": { "amount24":830768400, "contractCode":"etcusd", "createdDate":1546603201000, "feeRate":-0.00375, "id":5, "insuranceSize":0, "modifyDate":1546603201000, "size24":8307684, "timeIndex":1546603201000, "userPositionAmount":198000000 }, "msg":"success" } ``` Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- amount24|y|string|24H Vol.|| contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| createdDate|y|string|Creation Time|| feeRate|y|string|Fee rate|| id|y|string|PRIMARY KEYid|| insuranceSize|y|string|Risk Reserves|| modifyDate|y|string|Modify time|| size24|y|string|24H Vol.(Cont)|| timeIndex|y|string|Time to generate current data|| userPositionAmount|y|string|Total Holdings|| ### Latest Mark price and Fee rate #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractode}/premiumIndex ##### Path Parameter | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ------------ | --------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------- | ----------- | | contractCode | y | string | Futurescode | | | #### Return:Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": { "baseCurrency": "usdt", "contractCode": "btcusdt", "estimateFeeRate": "0.00375", "indexPrice": "39008.4", "lastFeeRate": "0.00375", "lastPrice": "41500", "markPrice": "39008.4", "quoteCurrency": "usdt", "time": 1650270347001, "totalPosition": "19193" }, "msg": "success" } ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | --------------- | ------ | ------------------------ | ------------- | ----------- | | baseCurrency | string | Base currency | | | | contractCode | string | Contractcode | | | | estimateFeeRate | string | EstimateFee rate | | | | indexPrice | string | Index price | | | | lastFeeRate | string | Last updatedFee rate | | | | lastPrice | string | Latest transaction price | | | | markPrice | string | Mark price | | | | quoteCurrency | string | Quote currency | | | | time | string | Update time | | | | totalPosition | string | Total Positions | | |
Release Time (UTC +8) | API | New/Update | Description |
2022.02.21 | - | Add | Add perpetual api doc. |
2024.04.16 | - | Add | Add Subscribe to contract push api doc. |
Before you use API, you need to login the website to create API Key with proper permissions. The API key is shared for all instruments in Hotcoin including spot, futures, swap, options.
Permissions are listed below:
AccessKey is the access key of API ,SecretKey is used to generate the signature for user’s request.Important Note: These two keys are closely related to account security. Please do not disclose them to others at any time.
For security reasons, all API requests other than market API shall be carrying out the Signing Algorithm. A valid request consists of below parts:
&Signature=calculated value
The API request may be tampered during Internet, therefore all private API must be signed by your API Key (Secrete Key).
Signing and Verifying : The signature may be different if the request text is different, therefore the request should be normalized before signing. Below signing steps take the order query as an example:
The request Method(GET or POST , DELETE),append line break “\n”
The host with lower case, append line break “\n”.
The path, append line break “\n”.
The parameters are URL encoded, and ordered based on ASCII(Use UTF-8 encoding and URL encoded, the hex must be upper case. For example, The semicolon ‘:’ should be encoded as ‘%3A’, The space should be encoded as ‘%20’.).
For example below is the original parameters:
Then above parameter should be ordered like below:
Use char “&” to concatenate all parameters.
Finally, the string for signature algorithm should be :
Signature is generated by passing the following two parameters into the hash code:
String to be used for signature algorithm
Secret Key(SecretKey)
Encode the hash code with base-64 to generate the signature
Put the signature into request API. Encode signature by URI encoding and append in the URI with parameter name “Signature”.
Finally, the request sent to API should be:
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
contractCode | y | string | Contractcode |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
AccessKeyId | y | string | Accesskey | ||
SignatureVersion | y | string | Version | ||
SignatureMethod | y | string | Signature Method | HmacSHA256 | |
Signature | y | string | Signature | ||
Timestamp | y | string | Timestamp |
"nextRewardTimestamp": 86400000,
"accountRights": "211.73425366",
"realizedSurplus": "-1996.67028101",
"unRealizedSurplus": "0",
"orderMargin": "111.32734888",
"positionMargin": "55.30721388",
"env": 0,
"currencyCode": "usdt",
"availableMargin": "45.09969088"
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
currencyCode | y | string | Currency | ||
env | y | int | testing coin or not 0:listing coin,1:testing coin | ||
availableMargin | y | string | Avail.margin | ||
realizedSurplus | y | string | Realized P/L | ||
orderMargin | y | string | Order margin | ||
positionMargin | y | string | Position margin | ||
unRealizedSurplus | y | string | Unrealized P/L | ||
accountRights | y | string | Equity |
Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default|Value Range ————- | ————- | ————- | ————- | ————- | ————- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp||
"availableBalance": "9875.254090",
"currencyCode": "USDT",
"env": "0",
"frozenBalance": "0.000000",
"orderMargin": "15.823570",
"positionMargin": "89.352729",
"positionAccountRights": "10456.925390",
"realizedSurplus": "583.993103",
"unRealizedSurplus": "-15.505000"
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
availableBalance | y | string | Available balance | ||
currencyCode | y | string | Currency | ||
env | y | int | testing coin or not 0:listing coin,1:testing coin | ||
frozenBalance | y | string | frozen balance(in transfer audit) | ||
orderMargin | y | string | Order margin | ||
positionMargin | y | string | Position margin | ||
positionAccountRights | y | string | Equity | ||
realizedSurplus | y | string | Realized P/L | ||
unRealizedSurplus | y | string | Unrealized P/L |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
AccessKeyId | y | string | Accesskey | ||
SignatureVersion | y | string | Version | ||
SignatureMethod | y | string | Signature Method | HmacSHA256 | |
Signature | y | string | Signature | ||
Timestamp | y | string | Timestamp | ||
startDate | n | long | Start Date | ||
endDate | n | long | End Date | ||
contractCode | n | string | Contractcode | ||
page | n | integer | Page | 1 | |
pageSize | n | integer | PageSize | 20 | |
startId | n | long | Startid | ||
endId | n | long | Endid |
"code": 200,
"data": {
"data": [
"amount": "6",
"contractCode": "btcusdt",
"createDate": "2021-11-14 20:52:03",
"currencyCode": "usdt",
"dealType": 1,
"detailSide": "close_long",
"fee": "1.3579752900000000",
"id": "666746374653476864",
"makerTaker": "maker",
"orderId": 125090120907072,
"price": "64665.4900000000000000",
"profit": "0.9555748956901509",
"refOrderId": 125090122965326,
"size": "3879.9294000000000000",
"userId": "2000011"
"pageNum": 1,
"pageSize": 20,
"totalCount": 112677
"msg": "success"
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default | Value Range |
amount | y | string | Transaction amount | ||
contractCode | y | string | Contractcode | ||
createDate | y | string | Creation time | ||
currencyCode | y | string | Currency | ||
dealType | y | string | TransactionType,1:Self-match,2:Deal with other users | ||
detailSide | y | string | Side | ||
fee | y | string | Fee | ||
id | y | long | TransactionHistoryid | ||
makerTaker | y | string | maker or taker | ||
orderId | y | long | Orderid | ||
price | y | string | Transaction price | ||
profit | y | string | Profit | ||
refOrderId | y | long | ReferOrderid | ||
size | y | string | Transaction Value | ||
userId | y | long | uid |
```json { "id": "1237893454356" } ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|long|Orderid|| ### Place a New Conditional Order #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/order [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ------------ | --------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------- | ----------- | | contractCode | y | string | Futurescode | | | ##### Query | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ---------------- | --------- | ------ | ---------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | Accesskey | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | Version | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | Signature Method | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | Signature | | | | Timestamp | y | string | Timestamp | | | ##### Body(json) | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | |--------------|-----------|--------|----------------------------------|---------------| ------------------------------------------------------------ | | positionId | n | long | Position ID | |Mandatory when closing a position in partition mode, can also be passed when adding to a position| | type | y | string | Type | | 12 :conditional order | | triggerBy | n | string | triggerType | | default "mark",MarkPrice:mark,LastPrice:last | | triggerPrice | n | string | Conditional option trigger price | | Conditional option trigger price | | side | y | string | Side | | open_long Open Long, open_short Open Short ,close_long Close Long, close_short Close Short | | price | y | string | Price | | Price | | amount | y | int | Amount | | Amount | | algoType | y | int | Order type | | 10 Limit price , 11 Market price | | currentPrice | y | string | Current contract price | | The current contract price, to determine the direction of profit and loss | ```json //Plan to place orders { "positionId": 12, "type": 12, //type: order type, 12: condition order "side": "open_long", //side: open position direction after triggering "triggerBy": "last", //Trigger type: index price: index, mark price: mark, last price: last "triggerPrice": "500", //Trigger price "price": "600.000000", // After triggering the order price (limit order price must be posted) "amount": "10", // Number of orders placed after triggerin "algoType": 10 // Conditional order Type 10: limit order 11: market order } ``` ```json //Stop profit stop loss order { "positionId": 12, "type": 12, //type: order type, 12: condition order "amount": 12, //Number of orders placed after triggering "side": "close_long", //side: open position after triggering "triggerBy": "last", // Trigger type: index price: index, mark price: mark, last price: last "triggerPrice": "12", // Trigger price "currentPrice": "600.000000", // Current contract price, determine the direction of stop profit and stop loss "algoType": 10, // Conditional order Type 10: limit order 11: market orde "price": "600.000000", // After triggering the order price (limit order price must be posted) } ``` #### Return: | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | --------- | --------- | ---- | ----------- | ------------- | ----------- | | id | y | long | Orderid | | |Response
```json { "id": "1237893454356" } ``` ### Place a Batch of Orders #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/batch-order [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Contractcode|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp|| ```json [ { "positionId": 12, "amount": 1, "lang": "zh_CN", "platform": 1, "price": "2.94", "side": "open_long", "type": 10, "tag": 1 } ] ``` ##### Body(list-json) Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- positionId | n | long | Position ID | |Mandatory when closing a position in partition mode, can also be passed when adding to a position type|y|string|Type||10 Limit or Conditional 11 Market price side|y|string|Side||open_long Open Long open_short Open Short close_long Close Long close_short Close Short price|y|string|Price|| amount|y|int|Amount|| beMaker|n|int|Timestamp|0|Post-only:0:Not Post-only 1:Post-only ioc|n|int|if orders cannot be immediately traded , the untranslated part will be cancelled immediately|0|0: Disable,1: Enable tag|n|string|Tag||tags defined by the user at the time of order placing and returned after the order is placedResponse
```json [ { "orderId": 80742077438016, "tag": "1" } ] ``` #### Return(list-json): Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|long|Orderid|| ### Order List #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/list [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Contractcode|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp||Response
```json [ { "amount": "300.0000000000000000", "avgPrice": "0E-16", "base": "", "contractCode": "fbtcusd", "contractDirection": 0, "createdDate": 1582225542000, "dealAmount": "0E-16", "detailSide": "open_long", "direction": "", "fee": "0E-16", "id": 69109290623152, "orderSize": "0.32258064", "price": "9300.0000000000000000", "profit": "0E-16", "quote": "", "reason": 0, "refConditionOrderId": 0, "refOrderCondition": null, "side": "long", "source": "", "status": 0, "systemType": 10, "triggerBy": "", "triggerPrice": "" } ] ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- amount|y|string|Amount|| avgPrice|y|string|Avg. Filled Price|| base|y|string|Base curreny,such as btc、fbtc|| contractCode|y|string|A combination between Base and Quote P_BTC_USDT,R_BTC_USDT|| contractDirection|y|int|FuturesSide 0: Linear,1: Inverse|| createdDate|y|string|Creation Time|| dealAmount|y|string|Filled Amount|| detailSide|y|string|OrderSide 1.Open Longopen_long 2.Open Shortopen_short 3.Close Longclose_long 4.Close Shortclose_short|| direction|y|string|Conditional:triggerSide,greater Greater,less Less|| fee|y|string|The handling fee paid after the order is filled: Positive means fee obtained, negative means fee paid|| id|y|long|Orderid|| orderSize|y|string|Ordervalue|| price|y|string|OrderPrice|| profit|y|string|The P/L corresponding to the order after being filled: Positive means profit, negative means loss|| quote|y|string|Quote currency name,usd,cny,usdt|| reason|y|int|Reasons for cancellation of this order,0 is Default Value,no reasons|| refConditionOrderId|y|long|ConditionalOrderid|| refOrderCondition|y|object|ConditionalOrderDetails|| side|y|string|OrderSide,longLong,shortShort|| source|y|string|Source|| status|y|int|Status 0:Waiting to fill 1:Partial filled 2:Filled -1:Cancelled|| systemType|y|int|10:Limit 11:Market 13:Forced Liquidation 14: Liquidation 15:Over loss 16:ADL|| triggerBy|y|string|ConditionaltriggerType,IndexPrice:index,MarkPrice:mark,LastPrice:last|| triggerPrice|y|string|ConditionaltriggerPrice|| ### Cancel Order #### DELETE /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/order/{id} [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| id|y|long|Orderid|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp||Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": null } ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status,200:Success|| msg|y|string|Tips|| data|y|object||| ### Batch Cancel Order #### DELETE /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/orders [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp||Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": null } ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status,200:Success|| msg|y|string|Tips|| data|y|object||| ### Batch Cancel According to Order No. #### DELETE /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/batch-delete-order [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp|| ```json [ 80581909355536, 80581909355537 ] ``` ##### Body(list) Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|string|OrderNo.||Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": null } ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|Status,200:Success|| msg|y|string|Tips|| data|y|object||| ### OrderDetails #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/{id} [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| id|y|long|Orderid|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp||Response
```json { "amount": "300.0000000000000000", "avgPrice": "0E-16", "base": "", "contractCode": "fbtcusd", "contractDirection": 0, "createdDate": 1582225542000, "dealAmount": "0E-16", "detailSide": "open_long", "direction": "", "fee": "0E-16", "id": 69109290623152, "orderSize": "0.32258064", "price": "9300.0000000000000000", "profit": "0E-16", "quote": "", "reason": 0, "refConditionOrderId": 0, "refOrderCondition": null, "side": "long", "source": "", "status": 0, "systemType": 10, "triggerBy": "", "triggerPrice": "" } ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- amount|y|string|Amount|| avgPrice|y|string|Avg. Filled Price|| base|y|string|Base currency name,such asbtc、fbtc|| contractCode|y|string|A combination between Base and Quote P_BTC_USDT,R_BTC_USDT|| contractDirection|y|int|FuturesSide 0: Linear,1: Inverse|| createdDate|y|string|Creation Time|| dealAmount|y|string|Filled Amount|| detailSide|y|string|OrderSide 1.Open Longopen_long 2.Open Shortopen_short 3.Close Longclose_long 4.Close Shortclose_short|| direction|y|string|ConditionalOrder:triggerSide,greaterGreater,lessLess|| fee|y|string|The handling fee paid after the order is filled: Positive means fee obtained, negative means fee paid|| id|y|long|Orderid|| orderSize|y|string|Ordervalue|| price|y|string|OrderPrice|| profit|y|string|The P/L corresponding to the order after being filled: Positive means profit, negative means loss|| quote|y|string|Quote currency name,usd,cny,usdt|| reason|y|int|Reasons for cancellation of this order,0 is Default Value,no reasons|| refConditionOrderId|y|long|Conditional orderid|| refOrderCondition|y|object|Conditional order details|| side|y|string|OrderSide,longLong,shortShort|| source|y|string|Source|| status|y|int|Status 0:Waiting to fill 1:Partial filled 2:Filled -1:Cancelled|| systemType|y|int|10:Limit 11:Market 13:Forced Liquidation 14: Liquidation 15:Over loss 16:ADL|| triggerBy|y|string|ConditionalOrdertriggerType,IndexPrice:index,MarkPrice:mark,LastPrice:last|| triggerPrice|y|string|ConditionalOrdertriggerPrice|| ### Market Close All #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contract_code}/{side}/closePosition [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ------------ | --------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------- | --------------------- | | contractCode | y | string | Futurescode | | | | side | y | string | Side | | long Long short Short | ##### Query | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ---------------- | --------- | ------ | ---------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | Accesskey | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | Version | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | Signature Method | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | Signature | | | | Timestamp | y | string | Timestamp | | |Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": null } ``` #### Return: | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | --------- | --------- | ------ | -------------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | code | y | int | Status,200:Success | | | | msg | y | string | Tips | | | | data | y | object | | | | ### History Order #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/history-list [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ------------ | --------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------- | ----------- | | contractCode | y | string | Futurescode | | | ##### Query | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ---------------- | --------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------- | ----------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | Accesskey | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | Version | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | Signature Method | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | Signature | | | | Timestamp | y | string | Timestamp | | | | base | n | string | Base currency | | | | detailSide | n | string | PositionSide 1.Open Longopen_long 2.Open Shortopen_short 3.Close Longclose_long 4.Close Shortclose_short | | | | status | n | int | Status:1 Filled 2 Partial filledCancelled 3 Cancelled Order;Multiple conditions filters separated by “,” | | | | type | n | int | FuturesSide 0: Linear,1: Inverse | | | | systemType | n | string | OrderingType:10:Limit 11:Market 13:Forced Liquidation 14: Liquidation 15:Over loss 16:ADL;Multiple conditions filters separated by “,” | | | | startDate | n | int | Start Time | | | | endTime | n | int | End Time | | | | page | n | int | Page | 1 | | | pageSize | n | int | Page size | 20 | | | stopLimitType | n | int | TriggerType:0 -Stop-profit 1-Stop-loss 2-Trigger Order | | | ##### ReturnResponse
```json { "code": 0, "msg": "", "data": { "total": 0, "rows": [ { "id": 0, "contractCode": "", "base": "", "quote": "", "indexBase": "", "contractDirection": 0, "side": "", "detailSide": "", "amount": "", "dealAmount": "", "avgPrice": "", "price": "", "orderSize": "", "status": 0, "systemType": 0, "direction": "", "profit": "", "fee": "", "reason": 0, "triggerBy": "", "triggerPrice": "", "triggerDate": 0, "modifyDate": 0, "createdDate": "2022-04-18 16:07:49", "source": "", "refConditionOrderId": 0, "refOrderCondition": { "id": 0, "contractCode": "", "base": "", "quote": "", "indexBase": "", "contractDirection": 0, "type": "", "direction": "", "triggerPrice": "", "triggerBy": "", "price": "", "side": "", "detailSide": "", "amount": "", "avgPrice": "", "dealAmount": "", "orderSize": "", "dealSize": "", "status": 0, "reason": 0, "systemType": 0, "createdDate": "2022-04-18 16:07:49", "source": "", "orderPriceType": 0, "positionType": 0, "stopLimitType": 0, "refOrderId": 0, "lever": 0, "unitAmount": "", "marginDigit": 0, "marketPriceDigit": 0, "triggerDate": 0, "modifyDate": 0, "tiggerOrderDetail": { "id": 0, "price": "" } }, "stopLimitType": "", "lever": "", "orderPriceType": 0, "positionType": 0, "unitAmount": "", "marginDigit": 0, "marketPriceDigit": 0, "stopLoss": { "id": 0, "contractCode": "", "base": "", "quote": "", "indexBase": "", "contractDirection": 0, "type": "", "direction": "", "triggerPrice": "", "triggerBy": "", "price": "", "side": "", "detailSide": "", "amount": "", "avgPrice": "", "dealAmount": "", "orderSize": "", "dealSize": "", "status": 0, "reason": 0, "systemType": 0, "createdDate": "2022-04-18 16:07:49", "source": "", "orderPriceType": 0, "positionType": 0, "stopLimitType": 0, "refOrderId": 0, "lever": 0, "unitAmount": "", "marginDigit": 0, "marketPriceDigit": 0, "triggerDate": 0, "modifyDate": 0, "tiggerOrderDetail": { "id": 0, "price": "" } }, "stopProfit": { "id": 0, "contractCode": "", "base": "", "quote": "", "indexBase": "", "contractDirection": 0, "type": "", "direction": "", "triggerPrice": "", "triggerBy": "", "price": "", "side": "", "detailSide": "", "amount": "", "avgPrice": "", "dealAmount": "", "orderSize": "", "dealSize": "", "status": 0, "reason": 0, "systemType": 0, "createdDate": "2022-04-18 16:07:49", "source": "", "orderPriceType": 0, "positionType": 0, "stopLimitType": 0, "refOrderId": 0, "lever": 0, "unitAmount": "", "marginDigit": 0, "marketPriceDigit": 0, "triggerDate": 0, "modifyDate": 0, "tiggerOrderDetail": { "id": 0, "price": "" } } } ] } } ``` ###### Object-data | Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Remarks | | :------------------ | :------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | :------------ | :------ | | id | number | ID | | | | contractCode | string | FuturesCode | | | | base | string | Base currency name,such asbtc | | | | quote | string | Quote currency name,usd,cny,usdt | | | | indexBase | string | Indexcurrency | | | | contractDirection | number | Side 0: Linear,1: Inverse | | | | side | string | PositionSide,longLong,shortShort | | | | detailSide | string | PositionSide 1.Open Longopen_long 2.Open Shortopen_short 3.Close Longclose_long 4.Close Shortclose_short | | | | amount | string | Order Amount | | | | dealAmount | string | Filled Amount | | | | avgPrice | string | Avg. filledPrice | | | | price | string | OrderPrice | | | | orderSize | string | Ordervalue | | | | status | number | 0 Waiting to fill 1 Partial filled 2 Filled -1 Cancelled | | | | systemType | number | 10:Limit 11:Market 13:Forced Liquidation 14: Liquidation 15:Over loss 16:ADL | | | | direction | string | triggerSide,greaterGreater,lessLess | | | | profit | string | The P/L corresponding to the order after being filled: Positive means profit, negative means loss | | | | fee | string | The handling fee paid after the order is filled: Positive means fee obtained, negative means fee paid | | | | reason | number | Reasons for cancellation of this order,0isDefault Value,1 Cancelled by system,2 Cancelled by users Others-Order failed | | | | triggerBy | string | Trigger OrderType: index-IndexPricemarket/mark-MarkPricemark/last-LastPricelast | | | | triggerPrice | string | triggerPrice | | | | triggerDate | number | triggertime | | | | modifyDate | number | Last operation time | | | | createdDate | string | Creation Time | | | | source | string | Source | | | | refConditionOrderId | number | Associated conditionsOrderid | | | | refOrderCondition | OrderCondition | AssociateConditionalOrder #Object-OrderCondition | | | | stopLimitType | string | ConditionalOrderType 0 -Stop-profit 1-Stop-loss 2-Trigger Order | | | | lever | string | Leverages | | | | orderPriceType | number | 20 Optimal20/10 Optimal10/5 Optimal5/1 BBO | | | | positionType | number | HoldingType | | | | unitAmount | string | quote face value corresponding to a Futures,default1 | | | | marginDigit | number | Margin demical | | | | marketPriceDigit | number | MarkPricedemical | | | | stopLoss | object | AssociateStop-lossorder #Object-OrderCondition | | | | stopProfit | object | AssociateStop-profitorder #Object-OrderCondition | | | ###### Object-OrderCondition | Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Remarks | | :---------------- | :----- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | :------------ | :------ | | id | number | ConditionalOrderid | | | | contractCode | string | Futurescode:A combination between Base and Quote | | | | base | string | Base currency name | | | | quote | string | Quote currency name | | | | indexBase | string | Indexcurrency | | | | contractDirection | number | Side 0: Linear,1: Inverse | | | | type | string | triggerType:IndexPrice,MarkPrice,LastPrice | | | | direction | string | triggerSide,greaterGreater,lessLess | | | | triggerPrice | string | triggerPrice | | | | triggerBy | string | Trigger OrderType: index-IndexPricemarket/mark-MarkPricemark/last-LastPricelast | | | | price | string | User OrderingOrder or BankruptcyPrice | | | | side | string | PositionSide,longLong,shortShort | | | | detailSide | string | 1.Open Longopen_long 2.Open Shortopen_short 3.Close Longclose_long 4.Close Shortclose_short | | | | amount | string | Order Amount | | | | avgPrice | string | Avg. filledPrice | | | | dealAmount | string | Filled Amount | | | | orderSize | string | Ordervalue | | | | dealSize | string | Filledvalue | | | | status | number | Status 1:Triggered 0、2:Untrigger 3:Pre-ConditionalOrder -1:Cancelled | | | | reason | number | Reasons for Orderbeing cancelled 1:Cancelled by system 2:Cancelled by users 3、4、5:Failed after trigger Order Separated by comma | | | | systemType | number | 10:Limit 11:Market 13:Forced Liquidation 14: Liquidation | | | | createdDate | string | Creation Time | | | | source | string | Source | | | | orderPriceType | number | OrderingPriceType,BBO:opponent,Optimal20:optimal_20,Optimal10:optimal_10,Optimal5:optimal_5 | | | | positionType | number | PositionPattern | | | | stopLimitType | number | ConditionalType | | | | refOrderId | number | AssociateOrderid | | | | lever | number | Leverages | | | | unitAmount | string | Unit | | | | marginDigit | number | Margindecimal | | | | marketPriceDigit | number | Pricedecimal | | | | triggerDate | number | triggertime | | | | modifyDate | number | Modify time | | | | tiggerOrderDetail | object | | | | ### Order Transaction Details #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/orderDetail [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ------------ | --------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------- | ----------- | | contractCode | y | string | Futurescode | | | ##### Query | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ---------------- | --------- | ------ | ---------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | Accesskey | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | Version | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | Signature Method | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | Signature | | | | Timestamp | y | string | Timestamp | | | | orderId | y | number | OrderID | | | ##### Return ###### bodyResponse
```json { "code": 200, "data": { "amount": "4", "avgPrice": "342.150000", "canceledDate": 0, "contract": { "amount24": "", "base": "usdt", "code": "bchusdt", "countDownTimeInterval": "", "direction": 0, "env": 0, "fluctuation": "", "fund": "", "high": "", "indexBase": "bch", "indexPrice": "", "lastCny": "", "low": "", "makerRate": "", "marginDigit": 6, "markPrice": "", "marketPriceDigit": 6, "maxLever": 0, "minQuoteDigit": 0, "minTradeDigit": 0, "minTradeUnit": 0, "nextLiquidationInterval": 0, "openTradeTime": "", "price": "", "quote": "usdt", "size24": "", "sort": 0, "takerRate": "", "totalPosition": "", "tradeStatus": 0, "unitAmount": 0.1, "unitAmountStr": "0.1" }, "createdDate": 1649925906000, "currencyCode": "usdt", "dealAmount": "4", "dealDetails": [ { "dealAmount": "4", "dealDate": 1649925907000, "fee": "-0.088959", "markerTaker": 2 } ], "detailSide": "close_long", "fee": "-0.088959", "historyOrderFlag": true, "lever": "20", "liquidateExplosionDetail": null, "orderId": 138434463977680, "orderPriceType": 0, "orderSystemType": 11, "positionType": 1, "price": "341.686700", "profit": "-0.560000", "refConditionOrderId": 0, "refOrderId": 0, "refType": 1, "settingDate": 0, "side": "short", "status": 2, "stopLimitType": 0, "systemType": 11, "triggerDate": 0, "triggerPrice": "", "unitAmount": "0.1", "userId": 20600095 }, "msg": "success" } ``` ###### data | Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Remarks | | ------------------------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------- | ------------------------------ | | amount | string | Order Amount | | | | avgPrice | string | Average transaction price | | | | canceledDate | number | Revoke time | | | | contract | object | Futuresdetails | | ContractNavigation | | createdDate | number | Creation Time | | | | currencyCode | string | Currency | | | | dealAmount | string | Transaction Amount | | | | dealDetails | object [] | TransactionDetails | | **item Type:** OrderDealDetail | | detailSide | string | DetailPositionSide:1.Open Longopen_long 2.Open Shortopen_short 3.Close Longclose_long 4.Close Shortclose_short | | | | fee | string | Fee | | | | historyOrderFlag | boolean | HistoryOrder or not | | | | lever | string | Leverages | | | | liquidateExplosionDetail | object | Forced liquidation Details | | LiquidateExplosionDetail | | orderId | number | OrderID | | | | orderPriceType | number | OrderType | | | | positionType | number | PositionType | | | | price | string | Order价 | | | | profit | string | Yield | | | | refConditionOrderId | number | ConditionalOrderid | | | | settingDate | number | Setting time | | | | side | string | Side | | | | status | number | 1 Partial filled 2 Filled -1 Cancelled 0 NotTransaction(when the system type is not equal to 12) 0 is not trigger(when the system type is equal to 12ConditionalOrder) | | | | stopLimitType | number | ConditionalOrderType 0 -Stop-profit 1-Stop-loss 2-Trigger Order | | | | systemType | number | SystemType 10:Limit 11:Market12:ConditionalOrder 13:Forced Liquidation 14: Liquidation 15:Liquidation 16:ADL | | | | triggerDate | number | triggertime | | | | triggerPrice | string | triggerprice | | | ###### ContractNavigation | Name | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Remarks | | ----------------------- | ------- | ------ | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | | amount24 | y | string | 24H Transaction (Cont) | | | | base | y | string | Base currency name | | | | code | y | string | Futurescode | | | | contractType | y | string | FuturesType,Swap-perpetual、 Delivery-deliver 、current weekDelivery-week、next weekDelivery-nextWeek、current quarterlyDelivery-quarter、next quarterlyDelivery-nextQuarter | | | | countDownTimeInterval | y | string | Countdown interval | | | | direction | y | integer | Side 0: Linear,1: Inverse | | **format:** int32 | | env | y | integer | testing or not 0:launched,1:test | | **format:** int32 | | fluctuation | y | string | Change | | | | fund | y | string | Funding rate | | | | high | y | string | Highest price | | | | indexBase | y | string | Indexcurrency | | | | indexPrice | y | string | IndexPrice | | | | lastCny | y | string | Last price equivalent to | | | | liquidationDate | y | string | Liquidation time | | **format:** date-time | | low | y | string | Lowest price | | | | makerRate | y | string | maker exchange rate | | | | marginDigit | y | integer | margin precision | | **format:** int32 | | markPrice | y | string | MarkPrice | | | | marketPriceDigit | y | integer | MarkPrice Min.Unit(precision) | | **format:** int32 | | maxLever | y | number | Max.Leverages | | | | minQuoteDigit | y | integer | QuotecurrencyMin. transactiondemical | | **format:** int32 | | minTradeDigit | y | integer | basecurrencyMin. transactiondemical | | **format:** int32 | | minTradeUnit | y | number | Min. transactionUnit | | | | nextLiquidationInterval | y | integer | Next liquidate time gap | | **format:** int64 | | openTradeTime | y | string | Opening Time | | | | price | y | string | Lastprice | | | | quote | y | string | Quote currency name | | | | size24 | y | string | 24H Transactionvalue | | | | sort | y | integer | Sort | | **format:** int32 | | takerRate | y | string | taker Exchange Rate | | | | totalPosition | y | string | HoldingVol. | | | | tradeStatus | y | integer | PublishStatus:1*pre*-publish,2Within 7 days after the launch,3.7 days after the launch | | **format:** int32 | | unitAmount | y | number | quote face value corresponding to a Futures,default1 | | | ###### OrderDealDetail | Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Remarks | | ---------- | ------ | ------------------ | ------------- | ------- | | dealAmount | string | Transaction Amount | | | | dealDate | string | Transaction Time | | | | fee | string | Fee | | | ###### LiquidateExplosionDetail | Name | Type | Description | Default Value | Remarks | | -------------- | ------ | ------------------------ | ------------- | ------- | | contractCode | string | Futurescode | | | | explosionPrice | string | Bankruptcy price | | | | feeRate | string | Feerate | | | | lever | string | Leverages | | | | liquidatePrice | string | Forced liquidation price | | | | maintainRate | string | Maintenance margin rate | | | | price | string | OrderPrice | | | | side | string | Side | | |Response
```json [ { "id": "1001", "amount": "4867", "base": "fbtc", "closingAmount": "0", "contractCode": "fbtcusd", "lever": "100", "liqudatePrice": "3237.43", "maintenanceMargin": "0.02527905", "markPrice": "9659.25", "minQuoteDigit": 2, "minTradeDigit": 8, "openMargin": "0.14863957", "price": "9626.54", "quote": "usd", "realizedSurplus": "0.00413503", "side": "long", "size": "5.05581019", "type": 0 } ] ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|long|Position ID|| amount|y|string|Amount|| base|y|string|base currency name,example:BTC、ETH|| closingAmount|y|int|Transaction Vol.|| contractCode|y|string|Futures|| gear|y|string|Risk limit|| lever|y|string|Leverage|| liqudatePrice|y|string|Liquidation price|| maintenanceMargin|y|string|Maintenance margin|| markPrice|y|string|Mark price|| minQuoteDigit|y|string|Min. transaction decimal places of quote currency|| minTradeDigit|y|string|Min. transaction decimal places of base currency|| openMargin|y|string|Open margin|| price|y|string|Avg.price|| quote|y|string|quote currency name,USD,CNY,USDT|| realizedSurplus|y|Realized P/L||| side|y|string|PositionType,longLong,shortShort|| size|y|string|PositionValue|| type|y|string|0:Cross,1:Isolated|| ### Obtain Margin Rate and Levers of All Tiers #### GET /v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/lever-gears [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp||Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": [ { "entryRate": "0.008", "gear": 1, "lever": "125", "maintainRate": "0.004", "maxOpenAmount": "100" } ] "msg": "success" } ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- entryRate|y|string|Open margin rate|| gear|y|int|tiers|| lever|y|string|Leverage|| maintainRate|y|string|Maintenance margin rate|| maxOpenAmount|y|string|Max.Avail|| ### Position and Limit Settings #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/position/{contractCode}/configs [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp||Response
```json { "contractCode": "btcusdt", "feeRate": "0.00065", "fundRate": "0.00375", "indexPrice": "37591.04", "longPositionConfigDetails": { "initOpenMarginRate": "0.008", "lever": "125", "maintainRate": "0.004", "maxOpenAmount": "100", "side": "long" }, "makerFeeRate": "0.00035", "markPrice": "37704.1", "shortPositionConfigDetails": { "initOpenMarginRate": "0.008", "lever": "125", "maintainRate": "0.004", "maxOpenAmount": "100", "side": "short" }, "takerFeeRate": "0.00065", "type": 0, "unitAmount": "0.01" } ``` #### Return: **main** Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| feeRate|y|int|Handling Fee Rate|| fundRate|y|string|Fee Rate|| indexPrice|y|string|Index price|| markPrice|y|string|Mark price|| type|y|string|0:Cross,1:Isolated|| unitAmount|y|string|(Conts):Number of quote face values for Futures (One cont)|| makerFeeRate|y|string|maker Fee Rate|| takerFeeRate|y|string|taker Fee Rate|| **|longPositionConfigDetails||shortPositionConfigDetails|Position详情** Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- lever|y|string|Leverage|| side|y|string|Side|| maxOpenAmount|y|string|Max.Avail|| lever|y|string|Leverage|| initOpenMarginRate|y|string|Initial margin rate|| ### Set-up Leverage #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/position/{contractCode}/lever [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp|| ##### Body(json) Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- type|y|int|LeverageType||Cross:0,Isolated:1 shortLever|y|int|ShortLeverage|| longLever|y|string|LongLeverage||Response
```json { "code":200, "data": { "shortLever":26, "type":1, "longLever": 10 }, "msg":"success" } ``` #### Return: Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- lever|y|string|Leverage|| ### Change Margin #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/position/{contract_code}/change-margin [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|Futurescode|| ##### Query Parameter|Mandatory|Type|Description|Default Value|Value Range ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|Accesskey|| SignatureVersion|y|string|Version|| SignatureMethod|y|string|Signature Method||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|Signature|| Timestamp|y|string|Timestamp|| margin|y|string|Margin amount(A positive number indicates a margin increase, a negative number indicates a margin decrease)|| side|y|string|Side||long Long short Short ##### Body(json) ```json { } ``` #### Return:Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": null, "msg": "success" } ``` | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | --------- | --------- | ------ | -------------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | code | y | int | Status,200:Success | | | | msg | y | string | Tips | | | | data | y | object | | | | ### Set Automatic Margin #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/position/{contractCode}/setting [example]( #### Request Parameter: ##### Path Parameter | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ------------ | --------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------- | ----------- | | contractCode | y | string | Futurescode | | | ##### Query | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | ---------------- | --------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | Accesskey | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | Version | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | Signature Method | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | Signature | | | | Timestamp | y | string | Timestamp | | | | value | y | string | 1 Enable Auto-margin call;0-Disable Auto-margin call | | | ##### Body(json) ```json { } ``` #### Return:Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": null, "msg": "success" } ``` | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Default Value | Value Range | | --------- | --------- | ------ | -------------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | code | y | int | Status,200:Success | | | | msg | y | string | Tips | | | | data | y | object | | | |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", //Fixed Parameters "type": "topic to subscribe", //topic type "contractCode": "contractCode", //contract code "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` ##### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | depth | | contractCode | y | string | contract code | | | | zip | N | boolean | Compression | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | serialize| false | | After successfully subscribing, the Websocket client will receive a confirmation message:Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rate", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt" } ``` ##### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Request
``` { "event": "ping" } ``` * Parameter Description | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String | event | ping | After successfully sending, the Websocket client will receive a confirmation message as follows:Response
``` { "event": "pong" } ``` * Response Result | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String | event | pong:Success | #### UnsubscribeRequest
```json { "event": "unsubscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "topic to subscribe", "contractCode": "contractCode", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` ##### Unsubscribe Result Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | depth | | contractCode | y | string | contract code | | | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not| false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "unsubscribe", "type": "fund_rate", "contractCode": "ethusdt", "env": 0 } ``` ##### Unsubscribe Success Confirmation | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Request
```json { "event": "ping" } ``` #### Parameter Description | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String | event | ping |Response
```json { "event": "pong" } ``` #### Response Result | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String | event | pong:Success | ### ws Login In [example](
```json { "event": "signin", "params": { "apiKey": "xxx", "timestamp": "1593683685313", "signature": "xxx" } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | --------- | -------- | ------ | ------------------------- | ------ | -------- | | apiKey | y | string | Access Key | | | | signature | y | string | sign, you can refer to the example of signature for the way of signing. | | | | timestamp | y | string | timestamp | | |Response
```json { "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "signin" } ``` #### Response Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Login Result: (true: Success, false: Failure) | | String | error_msg | Error Message (An error message will be returned in case of failed login) | | String | error_code | Error Code (An error code will be returned in case of failed login) | ### ws Depth [example](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "depth", "contractCode": "ethusdt", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | depth | | contractCode | y | string | contract code | | | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "depth", "contractCode": "ethusdt" } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "asks": [ [ "250.00000", "94", "94" ] ], "bids": [ [ "216.01000", "5319", "5319" ] ] }, "granularity": "1", "type": "depth", "env": 0, "contractCode": "LTCUSDT", "timestamp": 1712798513490 } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | asks | Sorted Array of Selling Orders: [Price, Quantity, Total Quantity] | | String[] | bids | Sorted Array of Buying Orders: [Price, Quantity, Total Quantity] |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "candles", "contractCode": "ethusdt", "granularity": "1min", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | mark_candles-Indexed Marked Price Candlestick Chart,candles-Latest Price Candlestick Chart | | contractCode | y | string | contract code | | | | granularity | y | string | granularity | | 1min,3min,5min,15min,30min,1hour,2hour,4hour,6hour,12hour,day,week | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "granularity": "1min", "channel": "subscribe", "type": "candles", "env": 0, "contractCode": "BTCUSDT" } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | login in result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ 1712803200000, "70872.27", "70918.11", "70872.27", "70895.61", "6058", "429456.52294" ] ], "granularity": "1min", "type": "candles", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt", "timestamp": 1712803237414 } ``` * Description of the "data" Object(Latest Price Candlestick Chart) | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | Sorted Array of Data: [0] Time, [1] Lowest Price, [2] Highest Price, [3] Opening Price, [4] Closing Price, [5] Volume, [6] Transaction Value |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ 1712803200000, "70872.27", "70918.11", "70872.27", "70895.61", "6058", "429456.52294", "70895.61", "6058", "429456.52294" ] ], "type": "mark_candles", "contractCode": "ethusdt", "granularity": "1min", "env": 0, "timestamp": 1712803237414 } ``` * Description of the "data" Object(Indexed Marked Price Candlestick Chart) | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | Sorted Array of Data: [0] Millisecond Timestamp, [1] Indexed Low Price, [2] Indexed High Price, [3] Indexed Opening Price, [4] Indexed Closing Price, [5] Marked Low Price, [6] Marked High Price, [7] Marked Opening Price, [8] Marked Closing Price |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "serialize": false, "biz": "perpetual", "type": "ticker", "contractCode": "btcusdt" } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | tickers | | contractCode | y | string | contract code | | | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not| false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "ticker", "contractCode": "btcusdt", "env": 0 } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ 1712800975802, "99999.00", "60000.00", "15021528", "1042275165", "69539.35", "70615.76", 1065, "1.55", "70598.22", "70607.15", "btcusdt", "508041.27", 0 ] ], "type": "ticker", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt", "timestamp": 1712800977406 } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | Sorted Array of Data: [0] Data Timestamp, [1] Highest Price, [2] Lowest Price, [3] Transaction Quantity, [4] Transaction Value, [5] Opening Price, [6] Latest Price, [7] 24-Hour Price Change, [8] 24-Hour Price Change Rate, [9] Bid Price Level 1, [10] Ask Price Level 1, [11] Contract Code, [12] Latest Price Converted to CNY, [13] Is Test Coin |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "tickers", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | tickers | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not| false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "granularity": "1", "channel": "subscribe", "type": "tickers", "env": 0 } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ 1712762705687, "99999.00", "60000.00", "15179004", "1048002762", "69191.55", "68444.85", "-746", "-0.3", "68444.39", "68445.31", "btcusdt", "491432.98", 0 ] ], "type": "tickers", "env": 0, "timestamp": 1712762707373 } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | Sorted Array of Data: [0] Data Timestamp, [1] Highest Price, [2] Lowest Price, [3] Transaction Quantity, [4] Transaction Value, [5] Opening Price, [6] Latest Price, [7] 24-Hour Price Change, [8] 24-Hour Price Change Rate, [9] Bid Price Level 1, [10] Ask Price Level 1, [11] Contract Code, [12] Latest Price Converted to CNY, [13] Is Test Coin |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fund_rate", "zip": false, "contractCode": "ethusdt", "serialize": true } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ---------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | fund_rate | | contractCode | y | string | contract code | | | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rate", "contractCode": "btcusdt", } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [], "type": "fund_rate", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt" } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | Sorted Array of Data: [0] Contract Code, [1] Marked Price, [2] Indexed Price, [3] Funding Rate, [4] Estimated Funding Rate, [5] Next Settlement Time, [6] Current Open Interest, [7] Indexed Price Converted to CNY, [8] Marked Price Converted to CNY, [9] ENV, [10] Base Currency, [11] Quote Currency, [12] Settlement Currency, [13] Base Currency Display Name, [14] Quote Currency Display Name, [15] Settlement Currency Display Name | ### ws Funding Rates and Fair Prices for All Cryptocurrency Pairs [example](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fund_rates", "zip": false, "serialize": true } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | --------- | -------- | ------- | ---------- | ------ | ---------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | fund_rates | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rates", } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [] ], "type": "fund_rates", "env": 1 } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | Ordered Data Array: [0] Contract Code, [1] Marked Price, [2] Indexed Price, [3] Funding Rate, [4] Estimated Funding Rate, [5] Next Settlement Time, [6] Current Open Interest, [7] Indexed Price Converted to CNY, [8] Marked Price Converted to CNY, [9] ENV, [10] Base Currency, [11] Quote Currency, [12] Settlement Currency, [13] Base Currency Display Name, [14] Quote Currency Display Name, [15] Settlement Currency Display Name | ### ws New Fills [example](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fills", "contractCode": "btcusdt", "zip": false, "serialize": true } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ---------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | fills | | contractCode | y | string | contract code | | | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fills", "contractCode": "btcusdt" } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ "70495.35", "33", "short", 1712814248594, 0 ], [ "70495.35", "15", "short", 1712814248594, 0 ] ], "type": "fills", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt", "timestamp": 1712814248602 } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | Ordered Data Array: [0] Price, [1] Quantity, [2] Direction,[3]timestamp,[4]id |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "assets", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | assets | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "assets" } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "totalCnyAccountRights": "3283806187.35", "totalBtcUnRealizedSurplus": "0", "data": [ { "cnPrice": "7451165.96", "appLogo": "https://hotcoin-hk-static.oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com/hotcoin/upload/coin/a417aec2fc85428aafed802649e227caUSDT.png", "fee": "0.000000", "orderFee": "0.001674", "realAvailableBalance": "1000156.504790", "realizedSurplus": "4.014119", "availableBalance": "1000156.504790", "positionAccountRights": "1000156.635250", "maintenanceMargin": "0.000000", "price": "1000156.50479026", "realPositionAccountRights": "0.000000", "currencyCodeDisplayName": "USDT", "unRealizedSurplusBtcValue": "0.000000", "unRealizedSurplusValue": "0.000000", "accountRightsValue": "1000156.635250", "openMargin": "0.000000", "frozenBalance": "0.000000", "sort": 1, "env": 0, "accountRightsBtcValue": "47.215127", "accountRightsCnValue": "7451166.93", "decimalPlaces": 6, "currentOrderMargin": "0.130460", "webLogo": "https://hotcoin-hk-static.oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com/hotcoin/upload/coin/a417aec2fc85428aafed802649e227caUSDT.png", "unRealizedSurplus": "0.000000", "orderMargin": "0.130460", "positionMargin": "0.000000", "currencyCode": "USDT", "availableMargin": "0.000000", "btcValue": "47.21512161" } ], "totalBtcAccountRights": "20808.19422358", "totalBtcAvaliableMargins": "20808.19421819", "userId": 10061 }, "type": "assets", "env": 0 } ``` #### Push Result #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | string | totalCnyAccountRights | Total Account Equity in CNY | | string | totalBtcUnRealizedSurplus | Total unrealized profit and loss in BTC | | string | totalBtcAccountRights | Total available margin in BTC | | string | userId | user ID | | object | data | Asset Information Array | | string | --cnPrice | Price in Chinese Yuan | | string | --appLogo | app logo | | string | --fee | fee | | string | --orderFee | order Fee | | string | --realAvailableBalance | real Available Balance | | string | --realizedSurplus | realized Surplus | | string | --availableBalance | available Balance | | string | --positionAccountRights | Position Account Equity (Calculated Based on User's Positions) | | string | --maintenanceMargin | maintenance Margin | | string | --price | Price (in USD, using the Indexed Price) | | string | --realPositionAccountRights | Real Position Account Equity (Using Available Balance) | | string | --currencyCodeDisplayName | currency Code Display Name | | string | --unRealizedSurplusBtcValue | unRealized Surplus Btc Value(btc) | | string | --unRealizedSurplusValue | unRealized Surplus Value(USDT) | | string | --accountRightsValue | account Rights Value(USDT) | | string | --openMargin | Initial Margin for Opening Positions | | string | --frozenBalance | frozen Balance | | string | --sort | sort | | string | --env | env | | string | --accountRightsBtcValue | account Rights Value(btc) | | string | --accountRightsCnValue | account Rights Value(cn) | | string | --decimalPlaces | decimal Places | | string | --currentOrderMargin | current Order Margin | | string | --webLogo | web logo | | string | --unRealizedSurplus | unRealized Surplus | | string | --orderMargin | order Margin | | string | --positionMargin | position Margin | | string | --currencyCode | currency Code | | string | --availableMargin | available Margin | | string | --btcValue | btc Valuation | ### ws User Order(need to log in) [example](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "orders", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | orders-Regular Order,condition_orders-Conditional Order | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "orders" } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Request
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "reason": 0, "orderType": 0, "extraMargin": "0", "positionType": 1, "avgPrice": "0.00000000", "marginDigit": 4, "orderSize": "2.5651281", "fee": "0.000000", "dualPosition": 0, "quoteDisplayName": "USDT", "quote": "usdt", "baseDisplayName": "USDT", "price": "0.22000000", "indexBase": "bat", "marketPriceDigit": 8, "contractCodeDisplayName": "BATUSDT", "systemType": 10, "id": 157016654939648, "profit": "0.000000", "side": "long", "amount": "1", "modifyDate": 1668072577089, "dealAmount": "0", "openMargin": "0.128256", "contractDirection": 0, "dealSize": "0", "lever": 20, "avgMargin": "0.128256", "userId": 10061, "mustMaker": 0, "indexBaseDisplayName": "BAT", "detailSide": "open_long", "createdDate": 1668072577089, "reduceOnly": 0, "unitAmount": "10", "contractCode": "batusdt", "clazz": 0, "base": "usdt", "status": 0 }, "type": "orders", "env": 0 } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | int | id | Order ID | | string | contractCode | | | int | contractDirection | Contract Direction: 0 Long, 1 Short | | string | base | Base Currency Name | | string | quote | Quote Currency Name | | int | userId | | | string | side | Position Direction: long / short | | string | detailSide | 1.open_long 2.open_short 3.close_long 4.close_short | | int | clazz | 0: Place Order, 1: Cancel Order | | int | mustMaker | Passive Order: 0: Don't Care, 1: Only Act as Maker, Cancel If It Becomes a Taker | | string | amount | Order Quantity | | string | price | User Order Price for Limit Order or Bankruptcy Price | | string | avgPrice | Average Execution Price | | string | dealAmount | Filled Quantity | | string | orderSize | | | string | dealSize | | | string | openMargin | | | string | extraMargin | | | string | avgMargin | Margin Per Contract | | int | systemType | 10: Limit Order, 11: Market Order, 13: Force Liquidation Order, 14: Margin Call Order | | string | profit | Positive values indicate profit, negative values indicate loss | | string | fee | Positive values indicate earning of fees, negative values indicate payment of fees | | int | reason | Reason for Order Cancellation: 0 is the default value, indicating no specific reason for cancellation | | int | createdDate | | | string | triggerPrice | | | string | indexBase | index Base,BTC、ETH | | int | direction | Trigger Direction | | int | stopLimitType | 0 - Stop Loss, 1 - Take Profit, 2 - Plan | | int | lever | | | int | orderPriceType | opponent/optimal_20/optimal_10/optimal_5 | | string | triggerBy | Trigger Type: Indexed Price, Mark Price, Last Price | | int | refConditionOrderId | | | int | marginDigit | | | int | positionType | 0: Cross-Margin, 1: Isolated-Margin, 2: Unknown | | int | status | 0: Pending Execution, 1: Partially Executed, 2: Fully Executed, -1: Canceled | | object | stopLoss | Stop Loss Target | | object | stopProfit | Take Profit Target | | int | modifyDate | | | int | marketPriceDigit | | | int | unitAmount | Nominal Value | | string | beforeClosePositionPrice | | | string | baseDisplayName | | | string | quoteDisplayName | | | string | contractCodeDisplayName | | | string | indexBaseDisplayName | | | int | env | | | int | dualPosition | 0 - One-Way Position / 1 - Two-Way Position | | int | reduceOnly | Whether to Only Reduce Position: 0 - No / 1 - Yes | | int | orderType | 0: Regular Order, 1: Stop Loss and Take Profit, 2: Scheduled Order | ### ws User Positions(need to log in) [example](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "position", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | position | | contractCode | y | string | contract code | | | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "position" } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Request
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "fee": "0", "liqudatePrice": "0.00000000", "realizedSurplus": "0.000000", "type": 1, "onlyPositionPartInLever": 20, "quoteDisplayName": "USDT", "score": 0, "quote": "usdt", "maintenanceMargin": "0", "price": "0.00000000", "indexBase": "band", "id": 230393, "entireLever": "20", "modifyDate": 1668072633091, "lever": "20", "indexBaseDisplayName": "BAND", "onlyPositionEntireLever": 20, "size": "0", "closingAmount": "0", "unitAmount": "1", "unRealizedSurplus": "0.000000", "openMarginRate": "0", "autoAddMargin": 0, "marginDigit": 6, "maxLever": "125", "orderSize": "0", "orderFee": "0", "dualPosition": 0, "feeRate": "0.00065", "availableBalance": "1000156.633050", "markPrice": "1.89923333", "orderAmount": "0", "baseDisplayName": "USDT", "marketPriceDigit": 8, "contractCodeDisplayName": "BANDUSDT", "amount": "0", "brokerId": 1, "side": "long", "openMargin": "0.000000", "partInLever": "20", "env": 0, "userId": 10061, "createdDate": 1668072633169, "maintainRate": "0.025", "brokerPrice": "0", "orderMargin": "0", "contractCode": "bandusdt", "base": "usdt", "lastPrice": "5.92100000" }, "type": "position", "env": 0 } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | string | closingProfitConditionAmount | | | string | closingLossConditionAmount | | | string | closingConditionAmount | Take the Maximum Value | | string | closingAmount | | | string | amount | Position Quantity | | string | orderAmount | Order Quantity | | string | orderSize | | | string | orderFee | | | string | orderMargin | | | string | fee | | | string | liqudatePrice | | | string | realizedSurplus | | | string | availableBalance | | | string | maintenanceMargin | | | string | price | Average Position Price | | string | entireLever | before entire Lever | | string | openMargin | | | string | lever | | | string | partInLever | | | string | size | | | string | brokerPrice | | | string | unRealizedSurplus | | | int | createdDate | | | string | unitAmount | Nominal Value per Contract, Default 1 | | int | marginDigit | | | string | openMarginRate | | | int | autoAddMargin | Enable Automatic Margin Call | | string | base | Base Currency Name | | int | brokerId | | | string | contractCode | | | int | env | 0: Live Trading, 1: Testnet Trading | | string | feeRate | | | int | id | | | string | maintainRate | | | int | marketPriceDigit | | | string | maxLever | | | int | modifyDate | | | string | preLiqudatePrice | | | string | quote | Quote Currency | | int | score | Calculate Force Reduction Indicator Value | | string | side | Position Type,long/short | | int | type | 0: Cross-Margin, 1: Isolated-Margin | | int | userId | | | string | indexBase | | | string | markPrice | | | string | lastPrice | | | string | baseDisplayName | | | string | quoteDisplayName | | | string | contractCodeDisplayName | | | string | indexBaseDisplayName | | | int | dualPosition | 0 - One-Way Position / 1 - Two-Way Position | ### ws Funding Rate(need to log in) [example](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fund_rate", "contractCode": "btcusdt", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | fund_rate | | contractCode | y | string | contract code | | | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rate", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt" } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Request
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ "btcusdt", "67594.61", "67592.90", "0.0001", "0.0001", 7294622, "24054", "436785.31", "436796.42", 0, "usdt", "btc", "usdt", "USDT", "BTC", "USDT", "0" ], "type": "fund_rate", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt", "timestamp": 1713016705540 } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | string | contractCode | | | string | markPrice | | | string | indexPrice | | | string | feeRate | | | string | estimateFeeRate | | | string | nextLiquidationInterval | | | string | totalPosition | | | string | indexCny | | | string | markCny | | | string | env | 0: Live Market, 1: Test Market | | string | base | Base Currency Name | | string | indexBase | Indexed Coin | | string | quote | Quote Currency | | string | baseDisplayName | | | string | indexBaseDisplayName | | | string | quoteDisplayName | | | string | preDeliveryPrice | | ### ws All Funding Rate(need to log in) [example](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fund_rates", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### Parameter Description | Name | Required | Type | Description| Default Value| Value Range| | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | Business | | perpetual | | type | y | string | type | | fund_rates | | zip | N | boolean | Compress or Not | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | Serialize or Not | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rates", "env": 0 } ``` #### Subscription Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | Subscription Result(true: Success, false: Failure) |Request
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ "movrusdt", "13.783", "13.782", "0.0001", "0.0001", 21859068, "0", "89.05", "89.06", 0, "", "", "", "USDT", "MOVR", "USDT", "0" ], [ "1000xecusdt", "0.06155", "0.06155", "0.0001", "0.0001", 17359068, "110", "0.39", "0.39", 0, "", "", "", "USDT", "1000XEC", "USDT", "0" ] ], "type": "fund_rates", "env": 0, "timestamp": 1713016540940 } ``` #### Push Result * Description of the "data" Object | Type | Field Name | Description | | ------ | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | string | contractCode | | | string | markPrice | | | string | indexPrice | | | string | feeRate | | | string | estimateFeeRate | | | string | nextLiquidationInterval | | | string | totalPosition | | | string | indexCny | | | string | markCny | | | string | env | 0: Live Market, 1: Test Market | | string | base | Base Currency Name | | string | indexBase | Indexed Coin | | string | quote | Quote Currency | | string | baseDisplayName | | | string | indexBaseDisplayName | | | string | quoteDisplayName | | | string | preDeliveryPrice | |
生效时间(UTC +8) | 接口 | 变化 | 摘要 |
2021.9.9 | - | 新增 | 新增WebSocket行情数据推送 |
2021.8.19 | /v1/order/matchresults | 优化 | 新增startTimestamp,endTimestamp字段 |
2018.6.10 | - | 初始化 | 初始化当前版本接口 |
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基于安全考虑,除行情API 外的 API 请求都必须进行签名运算。一个合法的请求由以下几部分组成:
API 访问密钥(AccessKeyId) 您申请的 APIKEY 中的AccessKey。
签名方法(SignatureMethod) 用户计算签名的基于哈希的协议,此处使用 HmacSHA256。
签名版本(SignatureVersion) 签名协议的版本,此处使用2。
时间戳(Timestamp) 您发出请求的时间 (UTC 时区)。在查询请求中包含此值有助于防止第三方截取您的请求。如:2017-05-11T16:22:06.123Z。再次强调是 (UTC 时区) 调用的必需参数和可选参数。可以在每个方法的说明中查看这些参数及其含义。
&Signature=calculated value
API 请求在通过 Internet 发送的过程中极有可能被篡改。为了确保请求未被更改,我们会要求用户在每个请求中带上签名,来校验参数或参数值在传输途中是否发生了更改。
计算签名所需的步骤: 规范要计算签名的请求 因为使用 HMAC 进行签名计算时,使用不同内容计算得到的结果会完全不同。所以在进行签名计算前,请先对请求进行规范化处理。下面以下单请求为例进行说明
请求方法(GET 或 POST),后面添加换行符\n。
按照ASCII码的顺序对参数名进行排序(使用 UTF-8 编码,且进行了 URI 编码,十六进制字符必须大写,如‘:’会被编码为’%3A’,空格被编码为’%20’)。
得到签名计算结果并进行 Base64编码
将上述值作为参数Signature的取值添加到 API 请求中。 将此参数添加到请求时,必须将该值进行 URI 编码。
symbol 规则: 基础币种+计价币种。如BTC/USDT,symbol为btc_usdt;ETH/BTC, symbol为eth_btc。以此类推。
最终,发送到服务器的 API 请求应该为:
curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/common/symbols"
此接口不接受任何参数。 响应数据:
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
code | y | int | 状态码 | 成功:200 | |
msg | y | string | 消息 | ||
time | y | long | 当前毫秒数 | ||
data | y | array | symbols列表 |
"code": "200",
"time": 1567045034,
"data": [
字段类型 | 数据类型 | 描述 | description(英文) |
baseCurrency | string | 交易中的基础币种 | baseCurrency code |
quoteCurrency | string | 交易中的报价币种 | quoteCurrency code |
pricePrecision | integer | 交易对报价的精度(小数点后位数) | price precision |
amountPrecision | integer | 交易对基础币种计数精度(小数点) | quantity precision |
symbolPartition | string | 交易区,可能值: [main,innovation] | symbol Partition, example:[main,innovation] |
symbol | string | 交易对 | trade pair code |
state | string | 交易对状态 enable - 正常;disable-禁用 | trade pair status [enable,disable] |
minOrderCount | decimal | 交易对最小下单量 (下单量指当订单类型为限价单时,下单接口传的’tradeAmount’) | min order count |
maxOrderCount | decimal | 交易对最大下单量 (下单量指当订单类型为限价单时,下单接口传的’tradeAmount’) | max order count |
minOrderPrice | decimal | 最小下单价格(下单金额指当订单类型为限价单时,下单接口传入的‘price’) | min order price |
maxOrderPrice | decimal | 最大下单价格(下单金额指当订单类型为限价单时,下单接口传入的‘price’) | max order price |
```json { "status":"ok", "timestamp":1567045034, "ticker":[ { "symbol":"btc_usdt", "last":"10000.00000000", "buy":"9999.00000000", "sell":"10001.00000000", "high":"11000.00000000", "low":"9000.00000000", "vol":"10000000.0000", "change":"10.10" } ] } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- symbol|y|string|交易对symbol||卖币种简称_买币种简称简称,eg:btc_usdt last|y|number|最新价|| buy|y|number|买一价|| sell|y|number|卖一价|| high|y|number|24小时最高价 || low|y|number|24小时最低价|| vol|y|number|24小时成交量|| change|y|number|24小时涨跌幅|| ### 获取k线数据 签名认证:否 限频值:20次/s - GET /v1/ticker ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/ticker?symbol=btc_usdt&step=60 curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/ticker?symbol=btc_usdt&step=60" ``` **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- step|y|int|时间:秒||60(1分钟),300(5分钟),900(15分钟),1800(30分钟),3600(1小时),86400(1天),604800(1周),2592000(1月) symbol|y|string|交易对||例:btc_usdt **响应数据:**Response
```json { "code":200, "msg":"成功", "time":1527838104874, "data":[ [ 1527820200000, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 0 ], [ 1527820200000, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 0 ] ] } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码 msg|n|string|返回消息 time|y|long|当前毫秒数 data|y|array(array(number))|K线数据 **data:**Response
```json { "code":200, "msg":"成功", "time":1527837164605, "data":{ "period":{ "data":[ [ 1527837120000, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 54598.5, 0 ] ], "marketFrom":"btc_usdt", "type":60, "coinVol":"btc_usdt" }, "depth":{ "date":1527837163, "asks":[ [ 57373.8, 0.0387 ], [ 57751.26, 0.0128 ], [ 57751.26, 0.0128 ] ], "bids":[ [ 57373.8, 0.0387 ], [ 57751.26, 0.0128 ], [ 57751.26, 0.0128 ] ], "lastPrice":54598.5 } } } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码 msg|n|string|返回消息 time|y|long|当前毫秒数 data|y|object|交易深度数据 **data:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- depth|y|object period|n|object|传step时才有值 **depth:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- bids|y|array(array(long))|买盘,[price(成交价), amount(成交量)] asks|y|array(array(long))|卖盘,[price(成交价), amount(成交量)] date|y|long|时间戳 lastPrice|y|number|最新成交价 **period:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- marketFrom|y|string|入参symbol coinVol|y|string|入参symbol type|y|long|入参step,时间 data|y|array(array)|最后一个k线数据,格式同上,但只有一个 ### 获取实时成交数据 签名认证:否 限频值:20次/s - GET /v1/trade ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/trade?symbol=btc_usdt&count=60 curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/trade?symbol=btc_usdt&count=60" ``` **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- count|y|int|Trades条数||0 symbol|y|string|交易对||例:btc_usdt **响应数据:**Response
```json { "code":200, "msg":"成功", "time":1536315868962, "data":{ "sellSymbol":"BTC", "buySymbol":"USDT", "trades":[ { "price":0.007, "amount":66491.04, "id":1, "time":"02:45:08", "en_type":"ask", "type":"卖出" }, { "price":0.007, "amount":66491.04, "id":1, "time":"02:45:08", "en_type":"ask", "type":"卖出" } ] } } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码 msg|n|string|返回消息 time|y|long|当前毫秒数 data|y|object|实时成交数据 **data:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- trades|y|array(object)|trades数据 sellSymbol|y|string|sellSymbol buySymbol|y|string|buySymbol **trades:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- price|y|long|成交价钱 amount|y|string|成交数量 id|y|string|成交id time|y|string|成交时间 en_type|y|string|成交方向||"bid"(买入),"ask"(卖出) type|y|string|成交类型||"买入","卖出"
签名认证:是 限频值:10次/s
curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/balance?AccessKeyId=''"
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
AccessKeyId | y | string | 访问key |
"code": 200,
"msg": "成功",
"time": 1527835756743,
"data": {
"netassets": 0,
"wallet": [
"totalassets": 0
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
code | y | int | 状态码 | ||
msg | n | string | 返回消息 | ||
time | y | long | 当前毫秒数 | ||
data | y | object | 交易深度数据 |
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
netassets | y | number | 净资产,单位为usdt | ||
totalassets | y | number | 总资产,单位为usdt | ||
wallet | y | array(object) | 钱包列表 |
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
coinName | y | long | 币种名称 | ||
uid | y | int | 用户ID | ||
coinId | y | int | 币种ID | ||
total | y | number | 可用 | ||
frozen | y | number | 冻结 | ||
symbol | y | string | 币种symbol | ||
shortName | y | string | 币种简称 |
```json { "code":200, "msg":"委托成功", "time":1536306331399, "data":{ "ID":18194813 } } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码||成功:200,失败:300 msg|y|string|消息|| time|y|long|当前毫秒数|| data|y|object|数据|| **msg 范围** 中文 | English | ------------ | ------------ 非法请求 |Illegal request 请使用正确的数量| Illegal tradeAmount value 请使用正确的价格| Illegal tradePrice value 币种ID错误| Illegal symbol format **data:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- ID|y|bigint|订单id|| ### 订单取消 注:撤销订单请求为异步报单模式,需要调用/v1/order/detailById接口查询订单状态进行确认。 签名认证:是 限频值:10次/s - POST /v1/order/cancel **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint |委单id | | **响应数据:**Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "取消成功", "time": 1536306495984, "data": null } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码||成功:200,失败:300 msg|y|string|消息|| time|y|long|当前毫秒数|| ### 委单详情 签名认证:是 限频值:10次/s - GET /v1/order/detailById ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/detailById curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/detailById" ``` **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint |委单id | | leverAcctid |n|string |非杠杆下单无需传词字段,杠杆子账户id,对应开户接口的clientId| | **响应数据:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码|| msg|n|string|消息|| time|y|long|当前毫秒数|| data|y|object|委单详情|| **data:**Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "成功", "time": 1536306896294, "data": { "types": "买单", "leftcount": 0.01, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 0.01, "successamount": 0, "source": "API", "type": 0, "price": 40000, "buysymbol": "", "id": 18194814, "time": "2018-09-07 15:48:44", "sellsymbol": "", "statusCode":1, "status": "未成交", "clientOrderId": "d5b64d8da6cf3b895705dc59632a5b9c" } } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- types|y|string|委单类型| |买单 、卖单 leftcount|y|number|未成交|| fees|y|number|手续费|| last|y|number|当前委单最新成交价|| count|y|number|数量|| successamount|y|number|已成交总价 || source|y|string|来源 | |API、WEB、APP type|y|int|类型代码| |0(买单),1(卖单) price|y|number|价钱 || buysymbol|n|string|买符号|| sellsymbol|n|string|卖符号|| time|y|string|创建时间|| statusCode|y|int|状态码| |1 未成交 2 部分成交 3 完全成交 4 撤单处理中 5 已撤销 8 部分成交已撤销 status|y|int|状态| |未成交、部分成交、完全成交、撤单处理中、已撤销、部分成交已撤销 clientOrderId|n|string|自定义订单ID| |最大长度64个字符 ### 成交详情 签名认证:是 限频值:10次/s - GET /v1/order/counterpartiesById ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/counterpartiesById curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/counterpartiesById" ``` **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint |委单id | | **响应数据:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码|| msg|n|string|消息|| time|y|long|当前毫秒数|| data|y|object|委单详情|| **data:**Response
```json { "code":200, "data":{ "entrusts":[ { "amount":1.2042000000, "count":2.2300000000, "createTime":"2019-05-27 18:15:12", "entrustId":431879850, "entrustType":0, "id":101192723, "isSelfTrade":1, "matchId":431879852, "prize":0.5400000000, "sysmbol":"btc_usdt" } ] }, "msg":"成功", "time":1568690580787 } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- entrusts|y|array(object)|对手单列表|| **wallet:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint|主键ID|| isSelfTrade|y|int|是否自成交 0 否 1 是|| sysmbol|y|string|交易对|| entrustType|y|int|委单类型 0 买单 1 卖单|| entrustId|y|bigint|委单ID|| matchId|y|bigint|成交ID|| amount|y|number|成交总价|| prize|y|number|价格|| count|y|number|数量|| createTime|y|string|创建时间|| ### 获取委单列表 签名认证:是 限频值:10次/s - GET /v1/order/entrust ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/entrust curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/entrust" ``` **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- symbol|y|string |交易对| |例:btc_usdt type|n|int|类型|0|0表示全部 1表示当前 2表示历史 page|n|int|页码|1| count|y|int|条数|7|[1-100] 最大100条 **响应数据:**Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "获取成功!", "time": 1527841588334, "data":{ "entrutsHis": [ { "types": "买单", "leftcount": 1.0E-4, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 1.0E-4, "successamount": 0, "source": "WEB", "type": 1, "price": 1.0E7, "buysymbol": "USDT", "id": 947644, "time": "2018-06-27 17:45:14", "sellsymbol": "BTC", "status": "已撤销", "clientOrderId": "d5b64d8da6cf3b895705dc59632a5b9c" }, { "types": "买单", "leftcount": 1.0E-4, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 1.0E-4, "successamount": 0, "source": "WEB", "type": 1, "price": 1.0E7, "buysymbol": "USDT", "id": 947645, "time": "2018-06-27 17:45:14", "sellsymbol": "BTC", "status": "已撤销", "clientOrderId": "d5b64d8da6cf3b895705dc59632a5b9c" } ], "entrutsCur": [ { "types": "买单", "leftcount": 0.01, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 0.01, "successamount": 0, "source": "API", "type": 0, "price": 40000, "buysymbol": "USDT", "id": 18194814, "time": "2018-09-07 15:48:44", "sellsymbol": "BTC", "status": "未成交", "clientOrderId": "d5b64d8da6cf3b895705dc59632a5b9c" }, { "types": "卖单", "leftcount": 0.01, "fees": 0, "last": 0, "count": 0.01, "successamount": 0, "source": "API", "type": 0, "price": 40000, "buysymbol": "USDT", "id": 18194814, "time": "2018-09-07 15:48:44", "sellsymbol": "BTC", "status": "未成交", "clientOrderId": "d5b64d8da6cf3b895705dc59632a5b9c" } ] } } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码|| msg|n|string|消息|| time|y|long|当前毫秒数|| data|y|object|委单详情|| **data:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- entrutsCur|n|array(object)|当前委单|| entrutsHis|n|array(object)|历史委单|| **entrutsCur 及 entrutsHis类型相同:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|bigint|委单id|| time|y|string|下单时间|| types|y|string|委单类型|| 买单、卖单 source|y|string|委单来源||"WEB","APP","API" price|y|number|下单价格|| count|y|number|下单数量|| leftcount|y|number|未成交数量|| last|y|number|成交价格|| successamount|y|number|成交总价|| fees|y|number|手续费|| status|y|string|委单状态||未成交、部分成交、完全成交、撤单处理中、已撤销、部分成交已撤销 type|y|int|委单类型|| 0( "买单"),1( "卖单") buysymbol|y|string|币种类型符号|| sellsymbol|y|string|币种类型符号|| clientOrderId|n|string|自定义订单ID||最大长度64个字符 ### 当前和历史成交记录 签名认证:是 限频值:10次/s - GET /v1/order/matchresults ```json https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/matchresults curl "https://api.hotcoinfin.com/v1/order/matchresults" ``` **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- symbol|y|string|交易对||例:btc_usdt types|n|string|查询的订单类型组合,使用','分割||0:买, 1:卖 startDate|n|string|查询开始日期, 日期格式yyyy-mm-dd|-1d 查询结束日期的前1天|取值范围 [((endDate) – 1), (endDate)] ,查询窗口最大为2天,窗口平移范围为最近61天 endDate|n|string|查询结束日期, 日期格式yyyy-mm-dd|today|取值范围 [(today-60), today] ,查询窗口最大为2天,窗口平移范围为最近61天 startTimestamp|n|Long|查询开始时间,Unix时间戳, 单位毫秒。替代startDate,支持按毫秒查询,无时区问题,建议使用|按时间戳查询时必填|取值范围 [((endTimestamp) – 1), (endTimestamp)] ,查询窗口最大为2天,窗口平移范围为最近61天 endTimestamp|n|Long|查询结束时间,Unix时间戳, 单位毫秒。替代endDate,支持按毫秒查询,无时区问题,建议使用|按时间戳查询时必填|取值范围 [(today-60), today] ,查询窗口最大为2天,窗口平移范围为最近61天 from|n|string|查询起始 ID|订单成交记录ID(最大值)| direct|n|string|查询方向|默认 next, 成交记录 ID 由大到小排序|prev 向前,时间(或 ID)正序;next 向后,时间(或 ID)倒序) size|n|string| 查询记录大小|100|[1,100] **响应数据:**Response
```json { "code":200, "data":{ "entrustdetail":[ { "createdAt":1623134000577, "filledAmount":"1.20", "filledFees":"2.2300", "id":43187, "matchId":123456, "orderId":431879852, "type":"1", "price":"0.5400000000", "role":"taker" } ] }, "msg":"成功", "time":1568690580787 } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码 msg|n|string|返回消息 time|y|long|当前毫秒数 data|y|object|实时成交数据 **data:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- entrustdetail|n|array(object)|成交记录 **entrustdetail:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- createdAt|y|long|成交时间 filledAmount|y|string|成交数量 filledFees|y|string|成交手续费 id|y|long|订单成交记录id matchId|y|long|撮合id orderId|y|long|订单id price|y|string|成交价格 type|y|string|订单类型||0:买, 1:卖 role|y|string|成交角色||taker,maker ### 批量撤单 签名认证:是 限频值:10次/s - POST /v1/order/batchCancelOrders `注意:此接口只提交取消请求,实际取消结果需要通过订单状态,撮合状态等接口来确认。` **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- orderIds|y|String|撤销订单ID列表||单次不超过100个订单id 例如 "2232,1232,2321" **响应数据:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码 msg|n|string|返回消息 data|y|object| ### 批量撤单(OpenOrders) 签名认证:是 限频值:10次/s - POST /v1/order/batchCancelOpenOrders `注意:此接口只提交取消请求,实际取消结果需要通过订单状态,撮合状态等接口来确认。` **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- symbol|y|String|交易代码列表(最多10 个symbols,多个交易代码间以逗号分隔),btc_usdt, eth_btc...(|| side|n|String|交易方向||buy -买方向 sell -卖方向 为空时,则获取所有方向的委单进行撤销。 **响应数据:**Response
```json { "code":200, "data":{ "successCount": 1, "failCount": 1 }, "msg":"成功" } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码 msg|n|string|返回消息 data|y|object| **data:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- {successCount|y|int|成功撤销数量 failCount}|y|int|撤销失败数量 ### 批量下单 API Key 权限:交易,一个批量最多10张订单 签名认证:是 限频值:10次/s - POST /v1/order/batchOrders **请求参数:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- orders|y|object|订单列表|| **orders:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [{symbol|y|string|交易对||例:btc_usdt type|y|string|类型||"buy" ,”sell" tradeAmount|y|number|数量|| tradePrice|y|number|价格(仅当限价单时传入)|| matchType|n|integer |撮合类型|0|0-限价单 1-市价单 marketUnit|n|string |市价单下单单位(市价下单时必须,数量或金额为tradeAmount)||amount-数量 funds-金额 clientOrderId}]|n|string |自定义订单ID||最大长度64个字符 **响应数据:**Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "成功", "time": 1527841588334, "data":{ "list": [ { "ID":123456, "errcode": "", "errmsg": "" }, { "ID":1234567, "errcode": "", "errmsg": "" } ] } } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态码 msg|n|string|返回消息 data|y|object| **data:** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [{ID|y|bigint|订单id|| errcode|n|string|返回错误码 errmsg}]|n|string|返回错误描述Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.trade.depth", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1632878832006 } ``` 之后, 一旦所订阅的主题有数据更新,热币服务器将向Websocket客户端推送更新消息。 #### 取消订阅 取消订阅的格式如下:```{"unsub": "topic to unsubscribe"}``` 取消订阅成功确认。 ### K线数据 请求数据:```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.kline.$period$"}``` 取消订阅:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.kline.$period$"}``` > **参数说明** | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必须 | 描述 | 备注 | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | ----------------------------- | | symbol | String | 是 | 交易代码 | btc_usdt | | period | String | 是 | k线周期 | 1m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,12h,1d,3d,5d,1w,1mo | * 订阅成功或者取消订阅后,服务器返回数据:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.kline.1m", "code": 200, "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` 返回字段说明: ###### [时间,开盘价,最高价,最低价,收盘价,成交量] ###### [ts, open, high, low, close, vol] | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必填 | 描述 | 备注 | | ----- | -------- | -------- | ------ | --------------------------------------- | | ts | String | 是 | 时间 | 时间有效范围[1501174800000, 2556115200000] | | open | String | 是 | 开盘价 | 995.37 | | high | String | 是 | 最高价 | 996.75 | | low | String | 是 | 最低价 | 995.36 | | close | String | 是 | 收盘价 | 996.75 | | vol | String | 是 | 交易量 | 9.112 | ### 市场深度数据 请求数据:```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.trade.depth.$limit$"}``` 取消订阅:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.trade.depth.$limit$"}``` > **参数说明** | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必须 | 描述 | 备注 | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------- | | symbol | String | 是 | 交易代码 | btc_usdt | | limit | Integer | 否 | 档位 | [50, 100, 300, 500, 1000] | * 订阅成功或者取消订阅后,服务器返回数据:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.trade.depth", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` 返回字段说明: | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必填 | 描述 | 默认值 | | ----------------- | --------------- | -------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------- | | bids | [String,String] | 是 | 【买方价格,买方深度量】 | ["9999.39","0.0098"] | | asks | [String,String] | 是 | 【卖方价格,卖方深度度量】 | ["10010.98","0.0099"] | | last | String | 是 | 最新价 | 0 | | open | String | 是 | 开盘价 | 0 | | cny | String | 是 | 折合人民币价格 | 0 | | netValue | String | 是 | ETF净值 | 0 | | buyOrSellCnyPrice | String | 是 | 买入或者卖出人民币估值时使用 | 0 | ### 买一卖一逐笔行情 请求数据: ```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.trade.bbo"}``` 取消订阅:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.trade.bbo"}``` > **参数说明** | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必须 | 描述 | 备注 | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | symbol | String | 是 | 交易代码 | btc_usdt | * 订阅成功或者取消订阅后,服务器返回数据:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.trade.bbo", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` 返回字段说明: | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必填 | 描述 | 默认值 | | ----------------- | --------------- | -------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------- | | symbol | String | 是 | 交易代码 | btc_usdt | | bid | String | 是 | 买一价 | 0 | | bidSize | String | 是 | 买一量 | 0 | | ask | String | 是 | 卖一价 | 0 | | askSize | String | 是 | 卖一量 | 0 | | last | String | 是 | 最新价 | 0 | ### 24H聚合行情数据 请求数据:```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.24h.tickers"}``` 取消订阅:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.24h.tickers"}``` > **参数说明** | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必须 | 描述 | 备注 | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | symbol | String | 是 | 交易代码 | btc_usdt | * 订阅成功或者取消订阅后,服务器返回数据:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.24h.tickers", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` 返回字段说明: | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必填 | 描述 | 备注 | | ------------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------ | ---- | | sellShortName | String | 是 | 卖方币种简称:BTC | | | sellSymbol | String | 是 | 卖方币种全称:bitcoin | | | buyShortName | String | 是 | 买方币种简称:ETH | | | buySymbol | String | 是 | 买方币种全称:ethereum | | | high | String | 是 | 最高价 | | | open | String | 是 | 开盘价 | | | low | String | 是 | 最低价 | | | close | String | 是 | 收盘价 | | | volume | String | 是 | 交易量 | | | change | String | 是 | 涨跌幅 | | | cny | String | 是 | 折合人民币的最新价 | | | tradeId | Integer | 是 | 交易代码ID | | | last | String | 是 | 最新价(原始价格) | | | imageUrl | String | 是 | | | | netValue | String | 否 | ETF净值 | | ### 实时成交明细 请求数据:```{"sub":"market.$symbol$.trade.detail"}``` 取消订阅:```{"unsub":"market.$symbol$.trade.detail"}``` > **参数说明** | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必须 | 描述 | 备注 | | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | symbol | String | 是 | 交易代码 | btc_usdt | * 订阅成功或者取消订阅后,服务器返回数据:Response
```json { "ch": "market.btc_usdt.trade.detail", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1489474081631 } ``` 返回字段说明: | 参数 | 数据类型 | 是否必填 | 默认值 | 描述 | 备注 | | --------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ---- | | amount | String | 是 | 成交量 | 0.0099 | | | ts | String | 是 | 成交时间 | 有效时间范围[1501174800000, 2556115200000] | | | tradeId | Integer | 是 | 交易代码ID | 交易代码ID | | | price | String | 是 | 成交价格 | 401.74 | | | direction | String | 是 | 买单【buy】或卖单【sell】 | [buy/sell] | |Request
``` { "signin": { "accessKey": "75a14b37736c4da4a33e4d37694ef389", "timestamp": "1720935275818" "signature": "CMkZzGwxdougZrTcPzk4k9I8moj257IteNTdYWQOwU=" } } ```Response
```json { "status": "ok", "ts": 1632878832006 } ``` #### 订阅主题 成功建立与Websocket服务器的连接后,Websocket客户端发送请求以订阅特定主题: ```{"sub": "topic to subscribe"}``` 比如:```{"sub": "market.btc_usdt.trade.depth"}``` 成功订阅后,Websocket客户端将收到确认消息:Response
```json { "ch": "market.trade.entrust.change", "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1632878832006 } ``` 之后, 一旦所订阅的主题有数据更新,热币服务器将向Websocket客户端推送更新消息。 #### 取消订阅 取消订阅的格式如下:```{"unsub": "topic to unsubscribe"}``` 取消订阅成功确认。 ### 订阅订单更新 订单的更新推送由任一以下事件触发: \- 订单创建(eventType=created) \- 订单成交(eventType=trade) \- 订单撤销(eventType=canceled) 请求数据:```{"sub":"market.trade.entrust.change"}``` 取消订阅:```{"unsub":"market.trade.entrust.change"}``` * 订阅成功或者取消订阅后,服务器返回数据:订阅成功Response
```json { "ch": "market.trade.entrust.change", "code": 200, "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1720990327128 } ``` 当订单创建/成交/撤销时:订单变更Response
```json { "msg": "SUCCESS", "code": 200, "data": { "types": "Bid", "fees": "0.0001221", "count": "1", "tradecount": 0.08140000000000000000, "successamount": "4900.226276", "eventType": "trade", "source": "WEB", "type": 0, "tradeamount": 4900.22627600000000000000, "successcount": "0.0814", "price": "60200", "eventTime": 1720991326416, "buysymbol": "USDT", "id": "2407101552042660247", "time": 1720991326286, "sellsymbol": "BTC", "tradeprice": 60199.34000000000000000000, "tradetime": 1720991326325, "statusCode": 2, "status": "Partial fill" }, "ch": "market.trade.entrust.change", "status": "ok", "ts": 1720991326416 } ``` | 参数 | 数据类型 | 描述 | 备注 | | ------------- | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------- | | eventType | String | 事件类型 | 有效值:created / trade / canceled | | eventTime | Long | 事件时间戳 | | | tradeprice | Number | 成交价格 | 当eventType为trade时有效 | | tradecount | Number | 成交数量 | 当eventType为trade时有效 | | tradeamount | Number | 成交金额 | 当eventType为trade时有效 | | tradetime | Long | 成交时间 | 当eventType为trade时有效 | | id | Bigint | 委单id | | | time | String | 下单时间戳 | | | types | String | 委单类型 | 买单、卖单 | | source | String | 订单来源 | WEB/ANDROID/API/H5/IOS/SYSTEM | | price | String | 下单价格 | | | count | String | 下单数量 | | | successcount | String | 成交数量 | | | successamount | String | 成交金额 | | | fees | String | 手续费 | | | statusCode | Integer | 委单状态 | 未成交、部分成交、完全成交、撤单处理中、已撤销、部分成交已撤销 | | status | String | 委单状态 | 1-未成交、2-部分成交、3-完全成交、4-撤单处理中、5-已撤销、8-部分成交已撤销 | | type | Integer | 委单类型 | 0( "买单"), 1( "卖单") | | buysymbol | String | 计价币 | 如:USDT | | sellsymbol | String | 标的币 | 如:BTC | | clientOrderId | String | 自定义订单ID | 如有 | ### 订阅资产更新 请求数据:```{"sub":"market.trade.asset.balance"}``` 取消订阅:```{"unsub":"market.trade.asset.balance"}``` * 订阅成功或者取消订阅后,服务器返回数据:订阅成功Response
```json { "ch": "market.trade.asset.balance", "code": 200, "code": 200, "msg": "SUCCESS", "status": "ok", "ts": 1720990327128 } ``` 当资产余额变更时:资产变更Response
```json { "msg": "SUCCESS", "code": 200, "data": { "assets": [{ "total": "88888889177.244123", "price": "3245.98000000000000000000", "fullName": "以太坊", "frozen": "3.547458", "currency": "ETH", "free": "88888889173.696665" }], "estBtc": "5758127912.12792281", "estUsdt": "350382083452984.102991" }, "ch": "market.trade.asset.balance", "status": "ok", "ts": 1721001849882 } ``` | 参数 | 数据类型 | 描述 | 备注 | | ------------------ | -------- | ---------------- | ------------- | | estUsdt | String | 总资产折合USDT | | | estBtc | String | 总资产折合BTC | | | assets[n].currency | String | 资产简称 | 比如:BTC | | assets[n].fullName | String | 资产全称 | 比如:Bitcoin | | assets[n].free | String | 可用数量 | | | assets[n].frozen | String | 冻结数量 | | | assets[n].total | String | 资产总量 | | | assets[n].price | String | 资产价格折合USDT | |
生效时间(UTC +8) | 接口 | 变化 | 摘要 |
2022.02.21 | - | 新增 | 新增永续api接口文档 |
2022.05.26 | - | 新增 | 新增行情/订单/持仓相关接口 |
2024.04.16 | - | 新增 | 新增订阅推送相关接口 |
如需使用API ,请先登录网页端,完成API key的申请和权限配置,再据此文档详情进行开发和交易。
AccessKey为API 访问密钥,SecretKey为用户对请求进行签名的密钥。 重要提示:这两个密钥与账号安全紧密相关,无论何时都请勿向其它人透露
基于安全考虑,除行情API 外的 API 请求都必须进行签名运算。一个合法的请求由以下几部分组成:
API 访问密钥(AccessKeyId) 您申请的 APIKEY 中的AccessKey。
签名方法(SignatureMethod) 用户计算签名的基于哈希的协议,此处使用 HmacSHA256。
签名版本(SignatureVersion) 签名协议的版本,此处使用2。
时间戳(Timestamp) 您发出请求的时间 (UTC 时区)。在查询请求中包含此值有助于防止第三方截取您的请求。如:2017-05-11T16:22:06.123Z。再次强调是 (UTC 时区) 调用的必需参数和可选参数。可以在每个方法的说明中查看这些参数及其含义。
&Signature=calculated value
API 请求在通过 Internet 发送的过程中极有可能被篡改。为了确保请求未被更改,我们会要求用户在每个请求中带上签名,来校验参数或参数值在传输途中是否发生了更改。
计算签名所需的步骤: 规范要计算签名的请求 因为使用 HMAC 进行签名计算时,使用不同内容计算得到的结果会完全不同。所以在进行签名计算前,请先对请求进行规范化处理。下面以下单请求为例进行说明
请求方法(GET 或 POST 或 DELETE),后面添加换行符\n。
按照ASCII码的顺序对参数名进行排序(使用 UTF-8 编码,且进行了 URI 编码,十六进制字符必须大写,如‘:’会被编码为’%3A’,空格被编码为’%20’)。
得到签名计算结果并进行 Base64编码
将上述值作为参数Signature的取值添加到 API 请求中。 将此参数添加到请求时,必须将该值进行 URI 编码。
最终,发送到服务器的 API 请求应该为:
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": [ { "amount24": "3848", "base": "btc", "code": "btcusd", "direction": 1, "env": 1, "fluctuation": "-10.04", "fund": "0.00375", "high": "9100", "indexPrice": "7913.84", "low": "8100", "markPrice": "7918.29", "maxLever": 100, "minQuoteDigit": 2, "minTradeDigit": 8, "price": "8100", "quote": "usd", "size24": "4.39717319", "totalPosition": "1830", "unitAmount": 10 } ], } ``` ##### 合约信息返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|string|合约code|| base|y|string|基础货币名,如btc、usdt|| quote|y|string|计价货币名,usd,usdt|| direction|y|string|方向 0:正向合约,1:反向合约|| minTradeDigit|y|string|基础货币最小交易小数位|| minQuoteDigit|y|string|计价货币最小交易小数位|| price|y|string|最新价|| quote|y|string|涨跌幅|| fluctuation|y|string|涨跌幅|| high|y|string|最高价|| low|y|string|最低价|| amount24|y|string|24小时成交张数|| size24|y|string|24小时成交价值|| totalPosition|y|string|最低价持仓量|| fund|y|string|资金费率|| markPrice|y|string|标记价格|| indexPrice|y|string|指数价格|| unitAmount|y|string|一张合约对应的quote面值,默认1|| env|y|string|是否测试盘 0:线上盘,1:测试盘|| maxLever|y|string|最大杠杆|| ### K线 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/candles #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- kline|y|string|k线类型||1min,3min,5min,15min,30min,1hour,2hour,4hour,6hour,12hour,day,week since|n|int|时间戳,默认值0|| size|n|int|k线数量|| klineType|n|int|K线类型|1|1-最新价 2-标记价 3-指数价 #### 返回:Response
```json { "code":0, "data":[ [ 1543405500000,//时间 "100",//最低 "100",//最高 "100",//开盘价 "100",//收盘价 "0",//成交量 "0"//成交价值 ] ], "msg":"success" } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态,200:成功|| msg|y|string|提示|| data|y|object||| ### 深度信息 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/products/{contractCode}/orderbook ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code||Response
```json { "asks": [ //卖一 [ "9721.47", //价格 "225", //张数 "225" //总张数 ] ], "bids": [ //买一 [ "9720", "480", "480" ] ] } ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- asks|y|object|卖盘|| bids|y|object|买盘|| ### 最新交易数据 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/fills #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code||Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": [ [ "9695.28", //成交价格 "496", //张数 "long", //方向 1582269058972, //时间 9916897 //成交id ] ], "msg": "success" } ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|string|状态码|| data|y|object|返回结果|| msg|y|string|消息|| ### 指数价成分信息 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/indexInfo #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | |Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": { "components": [ { "name": "binance_contract", "price": "38983.69999999", "symbol": "BTC/USDT", "wgt": "1" } ], "index": "btc", "indexPrice": "38983.69999999", "time": 1650269513885 }, "msg": "success" } ``` #### 返回: | 参数名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ---------- | ------ | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | | components | obejct | 单个交易所指数信息 | | | | >name | string | 交易所名称 | binance_contract-币安合约,binance-币安,huobi-火币,okex-OK | | | >price | string | 价格 | | | | >symbol | string | 交易对 | | | | >wgt | number | 权重 | | | | index | object | 指数货币 | | | | indexPrice | string | 指数价 | | | | time | number | 时间 | | | ### 资金费用历史 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/fee-rate ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| page|n|int|页码|| pageSize|n|int|大小|| #### 返回:Response
```json { "code":200, "data": { "amount24":830768400, "contractCode":"etcusd", "createdDate":1546603201000, "feeRate":-0.00375, "id":5, "insuranceSize":0, "modifyDate":1546603201000, "size24":8307684, "timeIndex":1546603201000, "userPositionAmount":198000000 }, "msg":"success" } ``` 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- amount24|y|string|24小时成交量|| contractCode|y|string|合约code|| createdDate|y|string|创建时间|| feeRate|y|string|资金费率|| id|y|string|主键id|| insuranceSize|y|string|风险准备金|| modifyDate|y|string|修改时间|| size24|y|string|24小时成交价值|| timeIndex|y|string|生成当前数据的时间|| userPositionAmount|y|string|持仓总量|| ### 最新标记价格和资金费率 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/public/{contractode}/premiumIndex ##### 路径参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | #### 返回:Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": { "baseCurrency": "usdt", "contractCode": "btcusdt", "estimateFeeRate": "0.00375", "indexPrice": "39008.4", "lastFeeRate": "0.00375", "lastPrice": "41500", "markPrice": "39008.4", "quoteCurrency": "usdt", "time": 1650270347001, "totalPosition": "19193" }, "msg": "success" } ``` | 参数名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | --------------- | ------ | ------------------ | ------ | -------- | | baseCurrency | string | 交易货币 | | | | contractCode | string | 合约code | | | | estimateFeeRate | string | 预估的资金费率 | | | | indexPrice | string | 指数价 | | | | lastFeeRate | string | 最近更新的资金费率 | | | | lastPrice | string | 最新交易价格 | | | | markPrice | string | 标记价 | | | | quoteCurrency | string | 计价货币 | | | | time | string | 更新时间 | | | | totalPosition | string | 总持仓量 | | |
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
contractCode | y | string | 合约code |
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
AccessKeyId | y | string | 访问key | ||
SignatureVersion | y | string | 版本 | ||
SignatureMethod | y | string | 签名方法 | HmacSHA256 | |
Signature | y | string | 签名 | ||
Timestamp | y | string | 时间戳 |
"nextRewardTimestamp": 86400000,
"accountRights": "211.73425366",
"realizedSurplus": "-1996.67028101",
"unRealizedSurplus": "0",
"orderMargin": "111.32734888",
"positionMargin": "55.30721388",
"env": 0,
"currencyCode": "usdt",
"availableMargin": "45.09969088"
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
currencyCode | y | string | 币种 | ||
env | y | int | 是否测试币 0:线上币,1:测试币 | ||
availableMargin | y | string | 可用保证金 | ||
realizedSurplus | y | string | 已实现盈亏 | ||
orderMargin | y | string | 委托保证金 | ||
positionMargin | y | string | 仓位保证金 | ||
unRealizedSurplus | y | string | 未实现盈亏 | ||
accountRights | y | string | 账户权益 |
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
AccessKeyId | y | string | 访问key | ||
SignatureVersion | y | string | 版本 | ||
SignatureMethod | y | string | 签名方法 | HmacSHA256 | |
Signature | y | string | 签名 | ||
Timestamp | y | string | 时间戳 |
"availableBalance": "9875.254090",
"currencyCode": "USDT",
"env": "0",
"frozenBalance": "0.000000",
"orderMargin": "15.823570",
"positionMargin": "89.352729",
"positionAccountRights": "10456.925390",
"realizedSurplus": "583.993103",
"unRealizedSurplus": "-15.505000"
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
availableBalance | y | string | 可用余额 | ||
currencyCode | y | string | 币种 | ||
env | y | int | 是否测试币 0:线上币,1:测试币 | ||
frozenBalance | y | string | 可用冻结(出现在划转审核) | ||
orderMargin | y | string | 订单保证金 | ||
positionMargin | y | string | 仓位保证金 | ||
positionAccountRights | y | string | 账户权益 | ||
realizedSurplus | y | string | 已实现盈亏 | ||
unRealizedSurplus | y | string | 未实现盈亏 |
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
AccessKeyId | y | string | 访问key | ||
SignatureVersion | y | string | 版本 | ||
SignatureMethod | y | string | 签名方法 | HmacSHA256 | |
Signature | y | string | 签名 | ||
Timestamp | y | string | 时间戳 | ||
startDate | n | long | 开始时间 | ||
endDate | n | long | 结束时间 | ||
contractCode | n | string | 合约code | ||
page | n | integer | 页数 | 1 | |
pageSize | n | integer | 每页数量 | 20 | |
startId | n | long | 开始id | ||
endId | n | long | 结束id |
"code": 200,
"data": {
"data": [
"amount": "6",
"contractCode": "btcusdt",
"createDate": "2021-11-14 20:52:03",
"currencyCode": "usdt",
"dealType": 1,
"detailSide": "close_long",
"fee": "1.3579752900000000",
"id": "666746374653476864",
"makerTaker": "maker",
"orderId": 125090120907072,
"price": "64665.4900000000000000",
"profit": "0.9555748956901509",
"refOrderId": 125090122965326,
"size": "3879.9294000000000000",
"userId": "2000011"
"pageNum": 1,
"pageSize": 20,
"totalCount": 112677
"msg": "success"
参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 |
amount | y | string | 成交数量 | ||
contractCode | y | string | 合约code | ||
createDate | y | string | 创建时间 | ||
currencyCode | y | string | 币种 | ||
dealType | y | string | 成交类型,1:自成交,2:与其他用户成交 | ||
detailSide | y | string | 开平方向 | ||
fee | y | string | 手续费 | ||
id | y | long | 成交记录id | ||
makerTaker | y | string | maker or taker | ||
orderId | y | long | 订单id | ||
price | y | string | 成交价格 | ||
profit | y | string | 收益 | ||
refOrderId | y | long | 关联订单id | ||
size | y | string | 成交价值 | ||
userId | y | long | uid |
```json { "id": "1237893454356" } ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|long|订单id|| ### 条件单下单 #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/order [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | ##### Query | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ---------------- | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | ---------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | 访问key | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | 版本 | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | 签名方法 | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | 签名 | | | | Timestamp | y | string | 时间戳 | | | ##### Body(json) | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | |--------------|------|--------|--------|-----| ------------------------------------------------------------ | | positionId | n | long | 持仓id | |分仓模式平仓必传,加仓也可以传 | | type | y | string | 订单类型 | | 12: 条件单 | | triggerBy | y | string | 触发类型 | | 默认mark,标记价格:mark,最新价格:last | | triggerPrice | y | string | 触发价 | | 触发价格 | | side | y | string | 方向 | | open_long 开多 open_short 开空 close_long 平多 close_short 平空 | | price | n | string | 委托价格 | | 触发后下单价格(限价单price必传) | | currentPrice | n | string | 当前标记价格 | | 计划委托时不传;止盈止损时传当前合约价格, 用于判断止盈止损方向 | | algoType | y | int | 委托类型 | | 10-限价,11-市价 | | amount | y | int | 数量 | | 委托数量 | ```json //计划委托下单 { "positionId": 12, //持仓id "type": 12, //type:订单类型,12:条件单 "side": "open_long", //side:触发后开仓方向 "triggerBy": "last", //触发类型:指数价格:index,标记价格:mark,最新价格:last "triggerPrice": "500", //触发价格 "price": "600.000000", //触发后下单价格(限价单price必传) "amount": "10", //触发后下单数量 "algoType": 10 //条件单下单类型 10:限价单 11:市价单 } ``` ```json //止盈止损下单 { "positionId": 12, //持仓id "type": 12, //type:订单类型,12:条件单 "amount": 12, //触发后下单数量 "side": "close_long", //side:触发后开仓方向 "triggerBy": "last", //触发类型:指数价格:index,标记价格:mark,最新价格:last "triggerPrice": "12", //触发价格 "currentPrice": "600.000000", //当前合约价格, 判断止盈止损方向 "algoType": 10, //条件单下单类型 10:限价单 11:市价单 "price": "600.000000", //触发后下单价格(限价单price必传) } ``` #### 返回: | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | -------- | -------- | ---- | ------ | ------ | -------- | | id | y | long | 订单id | | |Response
```json { "id": "1237893454356" } ``` ### 批量下单 #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/batch-order [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳|| ```json [ { "amount": 1, "lang": "zh_CN", "platform": 1, "price": "2.94", "side": "open_long", "type": 10, "tag": 1 } ] ``` ##### Body(list-json) 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- positionId|n|long|持仓id||分仓模式平仓必传,加仓也可以传 type|y|string|类型||10 限价或条件单 11 市价 side|y|string|方向||open_long 开多 open_short 开空 close_long 平多 close_short 平空 price|y|string|价格|| amount|y|int|数量|| beMaker|n|int|时间戳|0|被动委托:0:不被动委托 1:被动委托 ioc|n|int|订单若不能立即成交则未成交的部分立即取消|0|0: 关闭,1: 开启 tag|n|string|标签||下单时用户所定义的标签,下单后返回Response
```json [ { "orderId": 80742077438016, "tag": "1" } ] ``` #### 返回(list-json): 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|long|订单id|| ### 订单列表 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/list [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳||Response
```json [ { "amount": "300.0000000000000000", "avgPrice": "0E-16", "base": "", "contractCode": "fbtcusd", "contractDirection": 0, "createdDate": 1582225542000, "dealAmount": "0E-16", "detailSide": "open_long", "direction": "", "fee": "0E-16", "id": 69109290623152, "orderSize": "0.32258064", "price": "9300.0000000000000000", "profit": "0E-16", "quote": "", "reason": 0, "refConditionOrderId": 0, "refOrderCondition": null, "side": "long", "source": "", "status": 0, "systemType": 10, "triggerBy": "", "triggerPrice": "" } ] ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- amount|y|string|数量|| avgPrice|y|string|平均成交价|| base|y|string|基础货币名,如btc、fbtc|| contractCode|y|string|是Base和Quote之间的组合 P_BTC_USDT,R_BTC_USDT|| contractDirection|y|int|合约方向 0:正向,1:反向|| createdDate|y|string|创建时间|| dealAmount|y|string|已成交数量|| detailSide|y|string|订单方向 1.开多open_long 2.开空open_short 3.平多close_long 4.平空close_short|| direction|y|string|条件单:触发方向,greater大于,less小于|| fee|y|string|该笔订单成交后交的手续费: 正表示得手续费,负表示付手续费|| id|y|long|订单id|| orderSize|y|string|订单价值|| price|y|string|委托价格|| profit|y|string|该笔订单成交后对应的盈亏: 正表示盈利,负表示亏损|| quote|y|string|计价货币名,usd,cny,usdt|| reason|y|int|该笔订单取消的理由,0是默认值,没有理由|| refConditionOrderId|y|long|条件单id|| refOrderCondition|y|object|条件单详情|| side|y|string|订单方向,long多,short空|| source|y|string|来源|| status|y|int|状态 0:等待成交 1:部分成交 2:已经成交 -1:已经撤销|| systemType|y|int|10:限价 11:市价 13:强平单 14:爆仓单 15:穿仓 16:强减|| triggerBy|y|string|条件单触发类型,指数价格:index,标记价格:mark,最新价格:last|| triggerPrice|y|string|条件单触发价格|| ### 撤单 #### DELETE /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/order/{id} [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| id|y|long|订单id|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳||Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": null } ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态,200:成功|| msg|y|string|提示|| data|y|object||| ### 批量撤单 #### DELETE /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/orders [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳||Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": null } ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态,200:成功|| msg|y|string|提示|| data|y|object||| ### 根据订单号批量撤单 #### DELETE /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/batch-delete-order [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳|| ```json [ 80581909355536, 80581909355537 ] ``` ##### Body(list) 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|string|订单号||Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": null } ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- code|y|int|状态,200:成功|| msg|y|string|提示|| data|y|object||| ### 订单详情 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/{id} [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| id|y|long|订单id|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳||Response
```json { "amount": "300.0000000000000000", "avgPrice": "0E-16", "base": "", "contractCode": "fbtcusd", "contractDirection": 0, "createdDate": 1582225542000, "dealAmount": "0E-16", "detailSide": "open_long", "direction": "", "fee": "0E-16", "id": 69109290623152, "orderSize": "0.32258064", "price": "9300.0000000000000000", "profit": "0E-16", "quote": "", "reason": 0, "refConditionOrderId": 0, "refOrderCondition": null, "side": "long", "source": "", "status": 0, "systemType": 10, "triggerBy": "", "triggerPrice": "" } ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- amount|y|string|数量|| avgPrice|y|string|平均成交价|| base|y|string|基础货币名,如btc、fbtc|| contractCode|y|string|是Base和Quote之间的组合 P_BTC_USDT,R_BTC_USDT|| contractDirection|y|int|合约方向 0:正向,1:反向|| createdDate|y|string|创建时间|| dealAmount|y|string|已成交数量|| detailSide|y|string|订单方向 1.开多open_long 2.开空open_short 3.平多close_long 4.平空close_short|| direction|y|string|条件单:触发方向,greater大于,less小于|| fee|y|string|该笔订单成交后交的手续费: 正表示得手续费,负表示付手续费|| id|y|long|订单id|| orderSize|y|string|订单价值|| price|y|string|委托价格|| profit|y|string|该笔订单成交后对应的盈亏: 正表示盈利,负表示亏损|| quote|y|string|计价货币名,usd,cny,usdt|| reason|y|int|该笔订单取消的理由,0是默认值,没有理由|| refConditionOrderId|y|long|条件单id|| refOrderCondition|y|object|条件单详情|| side|y|string|订单方向,long多,short空|| source|y|string|来源|| status|y|int|状态 0:等待成交 1:部分成交 2:已经成交 -1:已经撤销|| systemType|y|int|10:限价 11:市价 13:强平单 14:爆仓单 15:穿仓 16:强减|| triggerBy|y|string|条件单触发类型,指数价格:index,标记价格:mark,最新价格:last|| triggerPrice|y|string|条件单触发价格|| ### 市价全平 #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contract_code}/{side}/closePosition [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | -------------------- | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | side | y | string | 方向 | | long 多仓 short 空仓 | ##### Query | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ---------------- | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | ---------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | 访问key | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | 版本 | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | 签名方法 | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | 签名 | | | | Timestamp | y | string | 时间戳 | | |Response
```json { "code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": null } ``` #### 返回: | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | -------- | -------- | ------ | --------------- | ------ | -------- | | code | y | int | 状态,200:成功 | | | | msg | y | string | 提示 | | | | data | y | object | | | | ### 历史委托 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/history-list [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | ##### Query | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ---------------- | -------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------ | ---------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | 访问key | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | 版本 | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | 签名方法 | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | 签名 | | | | Timestamp | y | string | 时间戳 | | | | base | n | string | 基础币 | | | | detailSide | n | string | 仓位方向 1.开多open_long 2.开空open_short 3.平多close_long 4.平空close_short | | | | status | n | int | 状态:1 已成交 2 部分成交已撤销 3 已撤单;多个条件过滤用“,”分隔 | | | | type | n | int | 合约方向 0:正向,1:反向 | | | | systemType | n | string | 下单类型:10:限价 11:市价 13:强平单 14:爆仓单 15:穿仓 16:强减;多个条件过滤用“,”分隔 | | | | startDate | n | int | 开始时间 | | | | endTime | n | int | 结束时间 | | | | page | n | int | 第几页 | 1 | | | pageSize | n | int | 页面大小 | 20 | | | stopLimitType | n | int | 计划类型:0 -止盈 1-止损 2-计划委托 | | |Response
##### 返回 ```json { "code": 0, "msg": "", "data": { "total": 0, "rows": [ { "id": 0, "contractCode": "", "base": "", "quote": "", "indexBase": "", "contractDirection": 0, "side": "", "detailSide": "", "amount": "", "dealAmount": "", "avgPrice": "", "price": "", "orderSize": "", "status": 0, "systemType": 0, "direction": "", "profit": "", "fee": "", "reason": 0, "triggerBy": "", "triggerPrice": "", "triggerDate": 0, "modifyDate": 0, "createdDate": "2022-04-18 16:07:49", "source": "", "refConditionOrderId": 0, "refOrderCondition": { "id": 0, "contractCode": "", "base": "", "quote": "", "indexBase": "", "contractDirection": 0, "type": "", "direction": "", "triggerPrice": "", "triggerBy": "", "price": "", "side": "", "detailSide": "", "amount": "", "avgPrice": "", "dealAmount": "", "orderSize": "", "dealSize": "", "status": 0, "reason": 0, "systemType": 0, "createdDate": "2022-04-18 16:07:49", "source": "", "orderPriceType": 0, "positionType": 0, "stopLimitType": 0, "refOrderId": 0, "lever": 0, "unitAmount": "", "marginDigit": 0, "marketPriceDigit": 0, "triggerDate": 0, "modifyDate": 0, "tiggerOrderDetail": { "id": 0, "price": "" } }, "stopLimitType": "", "lever": "", "orderPriceType": 0, "positionType": 0, "unitAmount": "", "marginDigit": 0, "marketPriceDigit": 0, "stopLoss": { "id": 0, "contractCode": "", "base": "", "quote": "", "indexBase": "", "contractDirection": 0, "type": "", "direction": "", "triggerPrice": "", "triggerBy": "", "price": "", "side": "", "detailSide": "", "amount": "", "avgPrice": "", "dealAmount": "", "orderSize": "", "dealSize": "", "status": 0, "reason": 0, "systemType": 0, "createdDate": "2022-04-18 16:07:49", "source": "", "orderPriceType": 0, "positionType": 0, "stopLimitType": 0, "refOrderId": 0, "lever": 0, "unitAmount": "", "marginDigit": 0, "marketPriceDigit": 0, "triggerDate": 0, "modifyDate": 0, "tiggerOrderDetail": { "id": 0, "price": "" } }, "stopProfit": { "id": 0, "contractCode": "", "base": "", "quote": "", "indexBase": "", "contractDirection": 0, "type": "", "direction": "", "triggerPrice": "", "triggerBy": "", "price": "", "side": "", "detailSide": "", "amount": "", "avgPrice": "", "dealAmount": "", "orderSize": "", "dealSize": "", "status": 0, "reason": 0, "systemType": 0, "createdDate": "2022-04-18 16:07:49", "source": "", "orderPriceType": 0, "positionType": 0, "stopLimitType": 0, "refOrderId": 0, "lever": 0, "unitAmount": "", "marginDigit": 0, "marketPriceDigit": 0, "triggerDate": 0, "modifyDate": 0, "tiggerOrderDetail": { "id": 0, "price": "" } } } ] } } ``` ###### Object-data | 名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 备注 | | :------------------ | :------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | :----- | :--- | | id | number | ID | | | | contractCode | string | 合约Code | | | | base | string | 基础货币名,如btc | | | | quote | string | 计价货币名,usd,cny,usdt | | | | indexBase | string | 指数货币 | | | | contractDirection | number | 方向 0:正向,1:反向 | | | | side | string | 仓位方向,long多,short空 | | | | detailSide | string | 仓位方向 1.开多open_long 2.开空open_short 3.平多close_long 4.平空close_short | | | | amount | string | 委托数量 | | | | dealAmount | string | 已成交数量 | | | | avgPrice | string | 平均成交价格 | | | | price | string | 委托价格 | | | | orderSize | string | 委托价值 | | | | status | number | 0 等待成交 1 部分成交 2 已经成交 -1 已经撤销 | | | | systemType | number | 10:限价 11:市价 13:强平单 14:爆仓单 15:穿仓 16:强减 | | | | direction | string | 触发方向,greater大于,less小于 | | | | profit | string | 该笔订单成交后对应的盈亏: 正表示盈利,负表示亏损 | | | | fee | string | 该笔订单成交后交的手续费: 正表示得手续费,负表示付手续费 | | | | reason | number | 该笔订单取消的理由,0是默认值,1 系统撤销,2 用户取消 其他-委托失败 | | | | triggerBy | string | 计划委托类型: index-指数价格market/mark-标记价格mark/last-最新价格last | | | | triggerPrice | string | 触发价格 | | | | triggerDate | number | 触发时间 | | | | modifyDate | number | 最后操作时间 | | | | createdDate | string | 创建时间 | | | | source | string | 来源 | | | | refConditionOrderId | number | 关联的条件订单id | | | | refOrderCondition | OrderCondition | 关联条件单 #Object-OrderCondition | | | | stopLimitType | string | 条件单类型 0 -止盈 1-止损 2-计划委托 | | | | lever | string | 杠杆 | | | | orderPriceType | number | 20 最优20档/10 最优10档/5 最优5档/1 对手价 | | | | positionType | number | 持仓类型 | | | | unitAmount | string | 一张合约对应的quote面值,默认1 | | | | marginDigit | number | 保证金小数位 | | | | marketPriceDigit | number | 标记价格小数位 | | | | stopLoss | object | 关联止损单 #Object-OrderCondition | | | | stopProfit | object | 关联止盈单 #Object-OrderCondition | | | ###### Object-OrderCondition | 名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 备注 | | :---------------- | :----- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | :----- | :--- | | id | number | 条件单id | | | | contractCode | string | 合约code:是Base和Quote之间的组合 | | | | base | string | 基础货币名 | | | | quote | string | 计价货币名 | | | | indexBase | string | 指数货币 | | | | contractDirection | number | 方向 0:正向,1:反向 | | | | type | string | 触发类型:指数价格,标记价格,最新价格 | | | | direction | string | 触发方向,greater大于,less小于 | | | | triggerPrice | string | 触发价格 | | | | triggerBy | string | 计划委托类型: index-指数价格market/mark-标记价格mark/last-最新价格last | | | | price | string | 用户订单委托或者破产价格 | | | | side | string | 仓位方向,long多,short空 | | | | detailSide | string | 1.开多open_long 2.开空open_short 3.平多close_long 4.平空close_short | | | | amount | string | 委托数量 | | | | avgPrice | string | 平均成交价格 | | | | dealAmount | string | 已成交数量 | | | | orderSize | string | 委托价值 | | | | dealSize | string | 已经成交价值 | | | | status | number | 状态 1:已触发 0、2:未触发 3:预条件单 -1:已撤销 | | | | reason | number | 订单被撤销原因 1:系统撤销 2:用户撤销 3、4、5:触发后委托失败 中间用逗号分割 | | | | systemType | number | 10:限价 11:市价 13:强平单 14:爆仓单 | | | | createdDate | string | 创建时间 | | | | source | string | 来源 | | | | orderPriceType | number | 下单价格类型,对手价:opponent,最优20档:optimal_20,最优10档:optimal_10,最优5档:optimal_5 | | | | positionType | number | 仓位模式 | | | | stopLimitType | number | 条件类型 | | | | refOrderId | number | 关联订单id | | | | lever | number | 杠杆 | | | | unitAmount | string | 单位 | | | | marginDigit | number | 保证金位数 | | | | marketPriceDigit | number | 价格位数 | | | | triggerDate | number | 触发时间 | | | | modifyDate | number | 修改时间 | | | | tiggerOrderDetail | object | | | | ### 订单交易详情 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/products/{contractCode}/orderDetail [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | ##### Query | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ---------------- | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | ---------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | 访问key | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | 版本 | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | 签名方法 | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | 签名 | | | | Timestamp | y | string | 时间戳 | | | | orderId | y | number | 订单ID | | |Response
##### 返回 ###### body ```json { "code": 200, "data": { "amount": "4", "avgPrice": "342.150000", "canceledDate": 0, "contract": { "amount24": "", "base": "usdt", "code": "bchusdt", "countDownTimeInterval": "", "direction": 0, "env": 0, "fluctuation": "", "fund": "", "high": "", "indexBase": "bch", "indexPrice": "", "lastCny": "", "low": "", "makerRate": "", "marginDigit": 6, "markPrice": "", "marketPriceDigit": 6, "maxLever": 0, "minQuoteDigit": 0, "minTradeDigit": 0, "minTradeUnit": 0, "nextLiquidationInterval": 0, "openTradeTime": "", "price": "", "quote": "usdt", "size24": "", "sort": 0, "takerRate": "", "totalPosition": "", "tradeStatus": 0, "unitAmount": 0.1, "unitAmountStr": "0.1" }, "createdDate": 1649925906000, "currencyCode": "usdt", "dealAmount": "4", "dealDetails": [ { "dealAmount": "4", "dealDate": 1649925907000, "fee": "-0.088959", "markerTaker": 2 } ], "detailSide": "close_long", "fee": "-0.088959", "historyOrderFlag": true, "lever": "20", "liquidateExplosionDetail": null, "orderId": 138434463977680, "orderPriceType": 0, "orderSystemType": 11, "positionType": 1, "price": "341.686700", "profit": "-0.560000", "refConditionOrderId": 0, "refOrderId": 0, "refType": 1, "settingDate": 0, "side": "short", "status": 2, "stopLimitType": 0, "systemType": 11, "triggerDate": 0, "triggerPrice": "", "unitAmount": "0.1", "userId": 20600095 }, "msg": "success" } ``` ###### data | 名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 备注 | | ------------------------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------ | | amount | string | 委托数量 | | | | avgPrice | string | 成交均价 | | | | canceledDate | number | 撤销时间 | | | | contract | object | 合约明细 | | ContractNavigation | | createdDate | number | 创建时间 | | | | currencyCode | string | 币种 | | | | dealAmount | string | 成交数量 | | | | dealDetails | object [] | 成交详情 | | **item 类型:** OrderDealDetail | | detailSide | string | 详细仓位方向:1.开多open_long 2.开空open_short 3.平多close_long 4.平空close_short | | | | fee | string | 手续费 | | | | historyOrderFlag | boolean | 是否是历史订单 | | | | lever | string | 杠杆 | | | | liquidateExplosionDetail | object | 强平详情 | | LiquidateExplosionDetail | | orderId | number | 订单ID | | | | orderPriceType | number | 订单类型 | | | | positionType | number | 仓位类型 | | | | price | string | 委托价 | | | | profit | string | 收益 | | | | refConditionOrderId | number | 条件单id | | | | settingDate | number | 设置时间 | | | | side | string | 方向 | | | | status | number | 1 部分成交 2 完全成交 -1 已经撤销 0 未成交(当systemType不等于12时) 0 未触发(当systemType等于12时条件单) | | | | stopLimitType | number | 条件单类型 0 -止盈 1-止损 2-计划委托 | | | | systemType | number | 系统类型 10:限价 11:市价 12:条件单 13:强平单 14:爆仓单 15:爆仓 16:强减 | | | | triggerDate | number | 触发时间 | | | | triggerPrice | string | 触发价 | | | ###### ContractNavigation | 名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 备注 | | ----------------------- | ------- | ------ | --------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | | amount24 | y | string | 24小时成交张数 | | | | base | y | string | 基础货币名 | | | | code | y | string | 合约code | | | | contractType | y | string | 合约类型,永续-perpetual、 交割-deliver 、当周交割-week、次周交割-nextWeek、当季交割-quarter、次季交割-nextQuarter | | | | countDownTimeInterval | y | string | 倒计时时间间隔 | | | | direction | y | integer | 方向 0:正向,1:反向 | | **format:** int32 | | env | y | integer | 是否测试盘 0:线上盘,1:测试盘 | | **format:** int32 | | fluctuation | y | string | 涨跌幅 | | | | fund | y | string | 资金费率 | | | | high | y | string | 最高价 | | | | indexBase | y | string | 指数货币 | | | | indexPrice | y | string | 指数价格 | | | | lastCny | y | string | 最新价折合人民币 | | | | liquidationDate | y | string | 清算时间 | | **format:** date-time | | low | y | string | 最低价 | | | | makerRate | y | string | maker 汇率 | | | | marginDigit | y | integer | 保证金精度 | | **format:** int32 | | markPrice | y | string | 标记价格 | | | | marketPriceDigit | y | integer | 标记价格最小单位(精度) | | **format:** int32 | | maxLever | y | number | 最大杠杆 | | | | minQuoteDigit | y | integer | 计价货币最小交易小数位 | | **format:** int32 | | minTradeDigit | y | integer | 基础货币最小交易小数位 | | **format:** int32 | | minTradeUnit | y | number | 最小交易单位 | | | | nextLiquidationInterval | y | integer | 下一次清算时间差 | | **format:** int64 | | openTradeTime | y | string | 开盘时间 | | | | price | y | string | 最新价 | | | | quote | y | string | 计价货币名 | | | | size24 | y | string | 24小时成交价值 | | | | sort | y | integer | 排序 | | **format:** int32 | | takerRate | y | string | taker 汇率 | | | | totalPosition | y | string | 持仓量 | | | | tradeStatus | y | integer | 发布状态:1预发,2上线后7天内,3.上线七天后 | | **format:** int32 | | unitAmount | y | number | 一张合约对应的quote面值,默认1 | | | ###### OrderDealDetail | 名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 备注 | | ---------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | ---- | | dealAmount | string | 成交数量 | | | | dealDate | string | 成交时间 | | | | fee | string | 手续费 | | | ###### LiquidateExplosionDetail | 名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 备注 | | -------------- | ------ | ------------ | ------ | ---- | | contractCode | string | 合约code | | | | explosionPrice | string | 破产价 | | | | feeRate | string | 手续费率 | | | | lever | string | 杠杠 | | | | liquidatePrice | string | 强平价 | | | | maintainRate | string | 维持保证金率 | | | | price | string | 委托价格 | | | | side | string | 方向 | | |Response
```json [ { "id": "1001", "amount": "4867", "base": "fbtc", "closingAmount": "0", "contractCode": "fbtcusd", "lever": "100", "liqudatePrice": "3237.43", "maintenanceMargin": "0.02527905", "markPrice": "9659.25", "minQuoteDigit": 2, "minTradeDigit": 8, "openMargin": "0.14863957", "price": "9626.54", "quote": "usd", "realizedSurplus": "0.00413503", "side": "long", "size": "5.05581019", "type": 0 } ] ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- id|y|long|持仓id|| amount|y|string|持仓数量|| base|y|string|基础货币名,如BTC、ETH|| closingAmount|y|int|成交数量|| contractCode|y|string|合约|| gear|y|string|风险限额|| lever|y|string|杠杆|| liqudatePrice|y|string|强平价|| maintenanceMargin|y|string|维持保证金|| markPrice|y|string|标记价格|| minQuoteDigit|y|string|计价货币最小交易小数位|| minTradeDigit|y|string|基础货币最小交易小数位|| openMargin|y|string|开仓保证金|| price|y|string|成交均价|| quote|y|string|计价货币名,USD,CNY,USDT|| realizedSurplus|y|已实现盈亏|| side|y|string|仓位类型,long多,short空|| size|y|string|仓位价值|| type|y|string|0:全仓,1:逐仓|| ### 获取所有档位对应的保证金率和杠杆 #### GET /v1/perpetual/public/{contractCode}/lever-gears [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳||Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": [ { "entryRate": "0.008", "gear": 1, "lever": "125", "maintainRate": "0.004", "maxOpenAmount": "100" } ] "msg": "success" } ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- entryRate|y|string|开仓保证金率|| gear|y|int|档位|| lever|y|string|杠杆|| maintainRate|y|string|维持保证金率|| maxOpenAmount|y|string|最大可开张数|| ### 仓位和限额设置 #### GET /api/v1/perpetual/position/{contractCode}/configs [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳||Response
```json { "contractCode": "btcusdt", "feeRate": "0.00065", "fundRate": "0.00375", "indexPrice": "37591.04", "longPositionConfigDetails": { "initOpenMarginRate": "0.008", "lever": "125", "maintainRate": "0.004", "maxOpenAmount": "100", "side": "long" }, "makerFeeRate": "0.00035", "markPrice": "37704.1", "shortPositionConfigDetails": { "initOpenMarginRate": "0.008", "lever": "125", "maintainRate": "0.004", "maxOpenAmount": "100", "side": "short" }, "takerFeeRate": "0.00065", "type": 0, "unitAmount": "0.01" } ``` #### 返回: **main** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| feeRate|y|int|手续费率|| fundRate|y|string|资金费率|| indexPrice|y|string|指数价格|| markPrice|y|string|标记价格|| type|y|string|0:全仓,1:逐仓|| unitAmount|y|string|张数:一张合约对应的quote面值|| makerFeeRate|y|string|maker手续费率|| takerFeeRate|y|string|taker手续费率|| **|longPositionConfigDetails||shortPositionConfigDetails|仓位详情** 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- lever|y|string|杠杆|| side|y|string|方向|| maxOpenAmount|y|string|最大可开张数|| lever|y|string|杠杆|| initOpenMarginRate|y|string|初始保证金率|| ### 设置杠杆 #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/position/{contractCode}/lever [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳|| ##### Body(json) 参数名称|是否必须|类型| 描述 | 默认值 |取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |------|-----| ------------- type|y|int| 杠杆类型 | | 全仓:0,逐仓:1 lever|y|int| 杠杆 | |1~125 side|y|string| 方向 | |多仓:long,空仓:shortResponse
```json { "code":200, "data": { "shortLever":26, "type":1, "longLever": 10 }, "msg":"success" } ``` #### 返回: 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- lever|y|string|杠杆|| ### 修改保证金 #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/position/{contract_code}/change-margin [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- contractCode|y|string|合约code|| ##### Query 参数名称|是否必须|类型|描述|默认值|取值范围 ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AccessKeyId|y|string|访问key|| SignatureVersion|y|string|版本|| SignatureMethod|y|string|签名方法||HmacSHA256 Signature|y|string|签名|| Timestamp|y|string|时间戳|| margin|y|string|保证金数量(正数表示添加保证金,负数表示减少保证金)|| side|y|string|方向||long 多仓 short 空仓 ##### Body(json) ```json { } ```Response
```json { "code": 200, "data": null, "msg": "success" } ``` #### 返回: | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | -------- | -------- | ------ | --------------- | ------ | -------- | | code | y | int | 状态,200:成功 | | | | msg | y | string | 提示 | | | | data | y | object | | | | ### 设置自动追加保证金 #### POST /api/v1/perpetual/position/{contractCode}/setting [示例]( #### 请求参数: ##### 路径参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------ | -------- | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | ##### Query | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ---------------- | -------- | ------ | ------------------------------ | ------ | ---------- | | AccessKeyId | y | string | 访问key | | | | SignatureVersion | y | string | 版本 | | | | SignatureMethod | y | string | 签名方法 | | HmacSHA256 | | Signature | y | string | 签名 | | | | Timestamp | y | string | 时间戳 | | | | value | y | string | 1 开启自动追加;0-关闭自动追加 | | | ##### Body(json) ```json { } ``` #### 返回: ```json { "code": 200, "data": null, "msg": "success" } ``` | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | -------- | -------- | ------ | --------------- | ------ | -------- | | code | y | int | 状态,200:成功 | | | | msg | y | string | 提示 | | | | data | y | object | | | |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", //固定传参 "type": "topic to subscribe", //主题类型 "contractCode": "contractCode", //合约代号 "zip": false, //固定压缩 "serialize": false //是否序列化 } } ``` ##### params参数说明 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | depth | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化| false | | 成功订阅后,Websocket客户端将收到确认消息:Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rate", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt" } ``` ##### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Request
``` { "event": "ping" } ``` * 请求参数 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String | event | ping | 成功发送后,Websocket客户端将收到确认消息,如下:Response
``` { "event": "pong" } ``` * 返回结果 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String | event | pong:成功 | #### 取消订阅Request
```json { "event": "unsubscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "topic to subscribe", "contractCode": "contractCode", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` ##### 取消订阅参数说明 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | depth | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化| false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "unsubscribe", "type": "fund_rate", "contractCode": "ethusdt", "env": 0 } ``` ##### 取消订阅成功确认 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Request
```json { "event": "ping" } ``` #### 请求参数 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String | event | ping |Response
```json { "event": "pong" } ``` #### 返回结果 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String | event | pong:成功 | ### ws 登录 [示例](
```json { "event": "signin", "params": { "apiKey": "xxx", "timestamp": "1593683685313", "signature": "xxx" } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | --------- | -------- | ------ | ------------------------- | ------ | -------- | | apiKey | y | string | 访问key | | | | signature | y | string | 签名,签名方式请看签名示列 | | | | timestamp | y | string | 时间戳 | | |Response
```json { "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "signin" } ``` #### 返回结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 登陆结果(true:成功 false:失败) | | String | error_msg | 错误信息(登陆失败会返回错误信息) | | String | error_code | 错误码(登陆失败会返回错误码) | ### ws 深度 [示例](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "depth", "contractCode": "ethusdt", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | depth | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "depth", "contractCode": "ethusdt" } ``` #### 返回结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "asks": [ [ "250.00000", "94", "94" ] ], "bids": [ [ "216.01000", "5319", "5319" ] ] }, "granularity": "1", "type": "depth", "env": 0, "contractCode": "LTCUSDT", "timestamp": 1712798513490 } ``` #### 推送结果 * 推送数据data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | asks | 卖盘有序数组 [价格,数量, 总数量] | | String[] | bids | 买盘有序数组 [价格,数量, 总数量] |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "candles", "contractCode": "ethusdt", "granularity": "1min", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | mark_candles-指数标记价格K线,candles-最新价K线 | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | granularity | y | string | K线类型 | | 1min,3min,5min,15min,30min,1hour,2hour,4hour,6hour,12hour,day,week | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "granularity": "1min", "channel": "subscribe", "type": "candles", "env": 0, "contractCode": "BTCUSDT" } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 登陆结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ 1712803200000, "70872.27", "70918.11", "70872.27", "70895.61", "6058", "429456.52294" ] ], "granularity": "1min", "type": "candles", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt", "timestamp": 1712803237414 } ``` * 推送数据data对象说明(最新价K线) | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | 数据有序数组 [0]时间,[1]最低价,[2]最高价,[3]开盘价,[4]收盘价,[5]成交量,[6]交易价值] |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ 1712803200000, "70872.27", "70918.11", "70872.27", "70895.61", "6058", "429456.52294", "70895.61", "6058", "429456.52294" ] ], "type": "mark_candles", "contractCode": "ethusdt", "granularity": "1min", "env": 0, "timestamp": 1712803237414 } ``` * 推送数据data对象说明(指数标记价格K线) | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | 数据有序数组 [0]毫秒时间戳,[1]指数价低,[2]指数价高,[3]指数价开,[4]指数价收,[5]标记价低,[6]标记价高,[7]标记价开,[8]标记价收 |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "serialize": false, "biz": "perpetual", "type": "ticker", "contractCode": "btcusdt" } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | ticker | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化| false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "ticker", "contractCode": "btcusdt", "env": 0 } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ 1712800975802, "99999.00", "60000.00", "15021528", "1042275165", "69539.35", "70615.76", 1065, "1.55", "70598.22", "70607.15", "btcusdt", "508041.27", 0 ] ], "type": "ticker", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt", "timestamp": 1712800977406 } ``` #### 推送结果 * 推送数据data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | 数据有序数组 [0]数据时间戳,[1]最高价,[2]最低价,[3]成交数量,[4]成交价值,[5]开盘价,[6]最新价,[7]24小时价格涨跌幅,[8]24小时价格涨跌幅比率,[9]买一价,[10]卖一价,[11]合约代码,[12]最新价折合CNY,[13]是否测试币 |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "tickers", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | tickers | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化| false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "tickers", "env": 0 } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ 1712762705687, "99999.00", "60000.00", "15179004", "1048002762", "69191.55", "68444.85", "-746", "-0.3", "68444.39", "68445.31", "btcusdt", "491432.98", 0 ] ], "type": "tickers", "env": 0, "timestamp": 1712762707373 } ``` #### 推送结果 * 推送数据data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | 数据有序数组 [0]数据时间戳,[1]最高价,[2]最低价,[3]成交数量,[4]成交价值,[5]开盘价,[6]最新价,[7]24小时价格涨跌幅,[8]24小时价格涨跌幅比率,[9]买一价,[10]卖一价,[11]合约代码,[12]最新价折合CNY,[13]是否测试币 |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fund_rate", "zip": false, "contractCode": "ethusdt", "serialize": true } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ---------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | fund_rate | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rate", "contractCode": "btcusdt", } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [], "type": "fund_rate", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt" } ``` #### 推送结果对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | 数据有序数组[0]合约编码,[1]标记价格,[2]指数价格,[3]费率,[4]估算费率,[5]下次结算时间,[6]当前持仓量,[7]指数价折合人民币,[8]标记价折合人民币,[9]env,[10]基础币,[11]指数币,[12]计价币,[13]基础币显示名,[14]指数币显示名,[15]计价币显示名 | ### ws 资金费率和合理价格所有币对 [示例](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fund_rates", "zip": false, "serialize": true } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | --------- | -------- | ------- | ---------- | ------ | ---------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | fund_rates | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rates", } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [] ], "type": "fund_rates", "env": 1 } ``` #### 推送结果对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | 数据有序数组[0]合约编码,[1]标记价格,[2]指数价格,[3]费率,[4]估算费率,[5]下次结算时间,[6]当前持仓量,[7]指数价折合人民币,[8]标记价折合人民币,[9]env,[10]基础币,[11]指数币,[12]计价币,[13]基础币显示名,[14]指数币显示名,[15]计价币显示名 | ### ws 最新成交 [示例](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fills", "contractCode": "btcusdt", "zip": false, "serialize": true } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ---------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | fills | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fills", "contractCode": "btcusdt" } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ "70495.35", "33", "short", 1712814248594, 0 ], [ "70495.35", "15", "short", 1712814248594, 0 ] ], "type": "fills", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt", "timestamp": 1712814248602 } ``` #### 推送结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | String[] | data | 数据有序数组[0]价格,[1]数量,[2]方向,[3]时间戳毫秒,[4]id |Request
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "assets", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | assets | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "assets" } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "totalCnyAccountRights": "3283806187.35",//总的账户权益CNY "totalBtcUnRealizedSurplus": "0",//总的为实现盈亏BTC "data": [ { "cnPrice": "7451165.96",//人民币价格 "appLogo": "https://hotcoin-hk-static.oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com/hotcoin/upload/coin/a417aec2fc85428aafed802649e227caUSDT.png",//app logo "fee": "0.000000",//费率 "orderFee": "0.001674",//订单手续费 "realAvailableBalance": "1000156.504790",//真实可用余额 "realizedSurplus": "4.014119",//已实现盈余 "availableBalance": "1000156.504790",//可用余额 "positionAccountRights": "1000156.635250",//持仓账户权益(使用用户持仓算出) "maintenanceMargin": "0.000000",//维持保证金 "price": "1000156.50479026",//价格(美元,取的是指数价格) "realPositionAccountRights": "0.000000",//持仓账户权益(取AvailableBalance) "currencyCodeDisplayName": "USDT",//币种显示名 "unRealizedSurplusBtcValue": "0.000000",//未实现盈亏(btc) "unRealizedSurplusValue": "0.000000",//未实现盈亏USDT "accountRightsValue": "1000156.635250",//总账户权益(USDT) "openMargin": "0.000000",//开仓保证金 "frozenBalance": "0.000000",//冻结 "sort": 1,//排序 "env": 0,//是否测试币 0:线上币,1:测试币 "accountRightsBtcValue": "47.215127",//总账户权益(btc) "accountRightsCnValue": "7451166.93",//总账户权益(RNB) "decimalPlaces": 6,//精度 "currentOrderMargin": "0.130460",//当前委托保证金 "webLogo": "https://hotcoin-hk-static.oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com/hotcoin/upload/coin/a417aec2fc85428aafed802649e227caUSDT.png",//web logo "unRealizedSurplus": "0.000000",//未实现盈亏 "orderMargin": "0.130460",//挂单保证金 "positionMargin": "0.000000",//开仓保证金 "currencyCode": "USDT",//币种 "availableMargin": "0.000000",//可用保证金 "btcValue": "47.21512161"//btc估值 } ], "totalBtcAccountRights": "20808.19422358",//总的账户权益BTC "totalBtcAvaliableMargins": "20808.19421819",//总的可用保证金BTC "userId": 10061//用户ID }, "type": "assets", "env": 0 } ``` #### 推送结果 #### 推送结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | string | totalCnyAccountRights | 总的账户权益CNY | | string | totalBtcUnRealizedSurplus | 总的为实现盈亏BTC | | string | totalBtcAccountRights | 总的可用保证金BTC | | string | userId | 用户ID | | object | data | 资产信息数组 | | string | --cnPrice | 人民币价格 | | string | --appLogo | app logo | | string | --fee | 费率 | | string | --orderFee | 订单手续费 | | string | --realAvailableBalance | 真实可用余额 | | string | --realizedSurplus | 已实现盈余 | | string | --availableBalance | 可用余额 | | string | --positionAccountRights | 持仓账户权益(使用用户持仓算出) | | string | --maintenanceMargin | 维持保证金 | | string | --price | 价格(美元,取的是指数价格) | | string | --realPositionAccountRights | 持仓账户权益(取AvailableBalance) | | string | --currencyCodeDisplayName | 币种显示名 | | string | --unRealizedSurplusBtcValue | 未实现盈亏(btc) | | string | --unRealizedSurplusValue | 未实现盈亏USDT | | string | --accountRightsValue | 总账户权益(USDT) | | string | --openMargin | 开仓保证金 | | string | --frozenBalance | 冻结 | | string | --sort | 排序 | | string | --env | 是否测试币 0:线上币,1:测试币 | | string | --accountRightsBtcValue | 总账户权益(btc) | | string | --accountRightsCnValue | 总账户权益(cn) | | string | --decimalPlaces | 精度 | | string | --currentOrderMargin | 当前委托保证金 | | string | --webLogo | web logo | | string | --unRealizedSurplus | 未实现盈亏 | | string | --orderMargin | 挂单保证金 | | string | --positionMargin | 开仓保证金 | | string | --currencyCode | 币种 | | string | --availableMargin | 可用保证金 | | string | --btcValue | btc估值 | ### ws用户订单(需要登录) [示例](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "orders", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | orders-普通单,condition_orders-条件单 | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "orders" } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Request
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "reason": 0, "orderType": 0, "extraMargin": "0", "positionType": 1, "avgPrice": "0.00000000", "marginDigit": 4, "orderSize": "2.5651281", "fee": "0.000000", "dualPosition": 0, "quoteDisplayName": "USDT", "quote": "usdt", "baseDisplayName": "USDT", "price": "0.22000000", "indexBase": "bat", "marketPriceDigit": 8, "contractCodeDisplayName": "BATUSDT", "systemType": 10, "id": 157016654939648, "profit": "0.000000", "side": "long", "amount": "1", "modifyDate": 1668072577089, "dealAmount": "0", "openMargin": "0.128256", "contractDirection": 0, "dealSize": "0", "lever": 20, "avgMargin": "0.128256", "userId": 10061, "mustMaker": 0, "indexBaseDisplayName": "BAT", "detailSide": "open_long", "createdDate": 1668072577089, "reduceOnly": 0, "unitAmount": "10", "contractCode": "batusdt", "clazz": 0, "base": "usdt", "status": 0 }, "type": "orders", "env": 0 } ``` #### 推送结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | int | id | 订单ID | | string | contractCode | 合约CODE | | int | contractDirection | 合约方向 0:正向,1:反向 | | string | base | 基础货币名 | | string | quote | 计价货币名 | | int | userId | 用户ID | | string | side | 仓位方向,long多,short空 | | string | detailSide | 1.开多open_long 2.开空open_short 3.平多close_long 4.平空close_short | | int | clazz | 0:下单 1:撤单 | | int | mustMaker | 被动委托:0:不care 1:只做maker,如何是taker就撤单 | | string | amount | 委托数量 | | string | price | 用户订单委托或者破产价格 | | string | avgPrice | 平均成交价格 | | string | dealAmount | 已成交数量 | | string | orderSize | 下单价值 | | string | dealSize | 已经成交价值 | | string | openMargin | 开仓保险金 | | string | extraMargin | 额外价格偏移保证金 | | string | avgMargin | 每张合约摊到的保证金 | | int | systemType | 10:限价 11:市价 13:强平单 14:爆仓单 | | string | profit | 该笔订单成交后对应的盈亏: 正表示盈利,负表示亏损 | | string | fee | 该笔订单成交后交的手续费: 正表示得手续费,负表示付手续费 | | int | reason | 该笔订单取消的理由,0是默认值,没有理由 | | int | createdDate | 创建时间 | | string | triggerPrice | 触发价 | | string | indexBase | 指数基础货币,如BTC、ETH | | int | direction | 触发方向,greater大于,less小于 | | int | stopLimitType | 0 -止损 1-止盈 2-计划 | | int | lever | 杠杆 | | int | orderPriceType | 下单价格类型,对手价:opponent,最优20档:optimal_20,最优10档:optimal_10,最优5档:optimal_5 | | string | triggerBy | 触发类型:指数价格,标记价格,最新价格 | | int | refConditionOrderId | 关联条件单ID | | int | marginDigit | 保证金精度 | | int | positionType | 账户模式 0:全仓,1:逐仓,2:未知(按产品要求不显示) | | int | status | 0 等待成交 1 部分成交 2 已经成交 -1 已经撤销 | | object | stopLoss | 止损对象 | | object | stopProfit | 止盈对象 | | int | modifyDate | 修改时间 | | int | marketPriceDigit | 价格精度 | | int | unitAmount | 面值 | | string | beforeClosePositionPrice | 之前平仓价 | | string | baseDisplayName | 基础币显示名 | | string | quoteDisplayName | 计价币显示名 | | string | contractCodeDisplayName | 合约code显示名 | | string | indexBaseDisplayName | 指数币显示名 | | int | env | env | | int | dualPosition | 单向持仓 0-单向持仓/1-双向持仓 | | int | reduceOnly | 是否只减仓 0-否/1-是 | | int | orderType | 0:普通单,1:止盈止损,2:计划委托 | ### ws用户仓位(需要登录) [示例](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "position", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | position | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "position" } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Request
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "fee": "0", "liqudatePrice": "0.00000000", "realizedSurplus": "0.000000", "type": 1, "onlyPositionPartInLever": 20, "quoteDisplayName": "USDT", "score": 0, "quote": "usdt", "maintenanceMargin": "0", "price": "0.00000000", "indexBase": "band", "id": 230393, "entireLever": "20", "modifyDate": 1668072633091, "lever": "20", "indexBaseDisplayName": "BAND", "onlyPositionEntireLever": 20, "size": "0", "closingAmount": "0", "unitAmount": "1", "unRealizedSurplus": "0.000000", "openMarginRate": "0", "autoAddMargin": 0, "marginDigit": 6, "maxLever": "125", "orderSize": "0", "orderFee": "0", "dualPosition": 0, "feeRate": "0.00065", "availableBalance": "1000156.633050", "markPrice": "1.89923333", "orderAmount": "0", "baseDisplayName": "USDT", "marketPriceDigit": 8, "contractCodeDisplayName": "BANDUSDT", "amount": "0", "brokerId": 1, "side": "long", "openMargin": "0.000000", "partInLever": "20", "env": 0, "userId": 10061, "createdDate": 1668072633169, "maintainRate": "0.025", "brokerPrice": "0", "orderMargin": "0", "contractCode": "bandusdt", "base": "usdt", "lastPrice": "5.92100000" }, "type": "position", "env": 0 } ``` #### 推送结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | string | closingProfitConditionAmount | 止盈中的数量 | | string | closingLossConditionAmount | 止损中的数量 | | string | closingConditionAmount | 止盈止损中的数量(取最大) | | string | closingAmount | 正在平仓的数量 | | string | amount | 持仓数量 | | string | orderAmount | 订单数量 | | string | orderSize | 挂单价值 | | string | orderFee | 挂单手续费 | | string | orderMargin | 订单保证金 | | string | fee | 手续费 | | string | liqudatePrice | 强平价 | | string | realizedSurplus | 已实现盈余 | | string | availableBalance | 可用余额(保证金) | | string | maintenanceMargin | 维持保证金 | | string | price | 持仓均价 | | string | entireLever | 全仓杠杆(before) | | string | openMargin | 开仓保证金 | | string | lever | 杠杆 | | string | partInLever | | | string | size | 杠杆 | | string | brokerPrice | 爆仓价 | | string | unRealizedSurplus | 未实现盈亏 | | int | createdDate | | | string | unitAmount | 一张合约对应的面值,默认1 | | int | marginDigit | 保证金精度 | | string | openMarginRate | 开仓保证金率 | | int | autoAddMargin | 是否开启自动追加保证金 | | string | base | 基础货币名 | | int | brokerId | 业务方ID | | string | contractCode | 合约Code | | int | env | 是否测试盘 0:线上盘,1:测试盘 | | string | feeRate | 手续费率 | | int | id | 主键id | | string | maintainRate | 维持保证金率 | | int | marketPriceDigit | 精度 | | string | maxLever | 最大杠杆 | | int | modifyDate | | | string | preLiqudatePrice | 预强平价 | | string | quote | 计价币 | | int | score | 计算强减指示灯值 | | string | side | 仓位类型,long多,short空 | | int | type | 0全仓,1逐仓 | | int | userId | 用户ID | | string | indexBase | 指数币 | | string | markPrice | 标记价 | | string | lastPrice | 最新价 | | string | baseDisplayName | 基础币显示名 | | string | quoteDisplayName | 计价币显示名 | | string | contractCodeDisplayName | 合约显示名 | | string | indexBaseDisplayName | 指数币显示名 | | int | dualPosition | //0-单向持仓/1-双向持仓 | ### ws资金费率(需要登录) [示例](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fund_rate", "contractCode": "btcusdt", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | fund_rate | | contractCode | y | string | 合约code | | | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rate", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt" } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Request
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ "btcusdt", "67594.61", "67592.90", "0.0001", "0.0001", 7294622, "24054", "436785.31", "436796.42", 0, "usdt", "btc", "usdt", "USDT", "BTC", "USDT", "0" ], "type": "fund_rate", "env": 0, "contractCode": "btcusdt", "timestamp": 1713016705540 } ``` #### 推送结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | string | contractCode | 合约code | | string | markPrice | 标记价 | | string | indexPrice | 指数价 | | string | feeRate | 手续费率 | | string | estimateFeeRate | 预估资金费率 | | string | nextLiquidationInterval | 下次清算时间 | | string | totalPosition | 总持仓 | | string | indexCny | 指数价cny | | string | markCny | 最新价cny | | string | env | 是否测试盘 0:线上盘,1:测试盘 | | string | base | 基础货币名 | | string | indexBase | 指数币 | | string | quote | 计价币 | | string | baseDisplayName | 基础币显示名 | | string | indexBaseDisplayName | 指数币显示名 | | string | quoteDisplayName | 计价币显示名 | | string | preDeliveryPrice | 预交割价格 | ### ws所有资金费率(需要登录) [示例](
```json { "event": "subscribe", "params": { "biz": "perpetual", "type": "fund_rates", "zip": false, "serialize": false } } ``` #### 请求参数 | 参数名称 | 是否必须 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认值 | 取值范围 | | ------------ | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------ | --------- | | biz | y | string | 业务 | | perpetual | | type | y | string | 类型 | | fund_rates | | zip | N | boolean | 是否压缩 | false | | | serialize | N | boolean | 是否序列化 | false | |Response
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": { "result": true }, "channel": "subscribe", "type": "fund_rates", "env": 0 } ``` #### 订阅结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | boolean | result | 订阅结果(true:成功 false:失败) |Request
```json { "biz": "perpetual", "data": [ [ "movrusdt", "13.783", "13.782", "0.0001", "0.0001", 21859068, "0", "89.05", "89.06", 0, "", "", "", "USDT", "MOVR", "USDT", "0" ], [ "1000xecusdt", "0.06155", "0.06155", "0.0001", "0.0001", 17359068, "110", "0.39", "0.39", 0, "", "", "", "USDT", "1000XEC", "USDT", "0" ] ], "type": "fund_rates", "env": 0, "timestamp": 1713016540940 } ``` #### 推送结果 * data对象说明 | 类型 | 字段名 | 说明 | | ------ | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | string | contractCode | 合约code | | string | markPrice | 标记价 | | string | indexPrice | 指数价 | | string | feeRate | 手续费率 | | string | estimateFeeRate | 预估资金费率 | | string | nextLiquidationInterval | 下次清算时间 | | string | totalPosition | 总持仓 | | string | indexCny | 指数价cny | | string | markCny | 最新价cny | | string | env | 是否测试盘 0:线上盘,1:测试盘 | | string | base | 基础货币名 | | string | indexBase | 指数币 | | string | quote | 计价币 | | string | baseDisplayName | 基础币显示名 | | string | indexBaseDisplayName | 指数币显示名 | | string | quoteDisplayName | 计价币显示名 | | string | preDeliveryPrice | 预交割价格 |
生效时间(UTC +8) | 接口 | 变化 | 摘要 |
2021.9.9 | - | 新增 | 新增WebSocket行情数据推送 |
2021.8.19 | /v1/order/matchresults | 优化 | 新增startTimestamp,endTimestamp字段 |
2018.6.10 | - | 初始化 | 初始化当前版本接口 |